Tuesday, July 27, 2010

YouTube Tuesday!!

Time for another edition of YouTube Tuesday. This week we get a double feature...YAY! This week's featured video comes from the TV show "The Office". I just began watching "The Office" last summer, but thanks to TV on DVD now, I was able to get caught up very quickly. For those of you who don't watch it, you are missing out. It is HILARIOUS. Definitely one of my favorite shows. The clip below comes from the episode with Jim and Pam's wedding. The office crew decided to re-enact a video they had seen on YouTube, to the surprise of Jim and Pam. Of course with this group, it didn't go quite as smoothly as the original.

Here is the YouTube video they were re-enacting


  1. I loved loved LOVED this! Too funny. I wish I had thought of it for my wedding! Thank you so much for sharing, I needed a good laugh today! :)

  2. LOl! Thanks for sharing. I'm returning your follow from Mom's Mutterings.

  3. Jess everytime I watch that Office clip I crack up! Such a great idea for the orignial doers of it too. Thanks for the follow Pam!

  4. TY so much for participating in To The Top Tuesdays and for following me at Obviously MARvelous :) I am now following you back :)

  5. Thanks for joining us today. I love your blog and the videos? Awesome!

  6. My friends just did this at their wedding, it was so funny. Following you back!

  7. LOL!! Thanks for the giggle.

    Thanks for the follow..here to stalk you now! Thanks for participating in FMBT!

  8. I also have a blog hop on Wednesdays, hope to see you there!

  9. Thanks everyone! And Keli, I for sure will be checking that out!

  10. New Blog Follower!

  11. Thank you! I will be checking your blog out!

  12. Hi, visiting from Trailing Tuesday! I am a new follower. I hope you get a chance to visit my blog too.

    I love the wedding video! I saw it at a recent Women's Business Owners Conference..the were speaking about how videos can go viral with the right amount of entertainment factor.


  13. Thanks Diane and Anna. I will be visitig your blogs!

  14. Hi Nicole, I tried to reply to your email but it keeps failing?? Anyway...here is my response:

    Yes, Please do repost the Recall Alert about the Nap Nanny's on your blog! It will help to spread the word even farther. I hope that not one more baby is hurt in this product!

    I do appreciate you asking though. I also noticed that you don't have a link on your blog to follow via email. If you add one in the future please let me know. That is the easiest way for me to keep up with everyone's new posts. :)


    -------- Original Message --------
    Subject: [The Baby Store Plus Blog] New comment on RECALL ALERT: Nap
    Nanny Portable Baby Recliners.
    From: Nicole
    Date: Tue, July 27, 2010 10:13 pm
    To: anna@thebabystoreplus.com

    Nicole has left a new comment on your post "RECALL ALERT: Nap Nanny Portable Baby Recliners":

    Do you mind if I repost this on my blog? I will credit you and link back to your site? You can email me at nicole @onelittlemister.com


  15. I just wanted to let you know I'm mentioning this post in my blog today, and have included both a link back to your blog as well as a link to this specific post. :)

    Happy Friday!

  16. Awww thats so awesome Jess! Thanks a lot! I'm going to check it out right now!
