Monday, August 16, 2010

My 5 Monday!!

So I'm not going to lie. This "my 5" thing is getting harder to think of topics for. I think I'm just having a brain freeze at the moment though. Jess really helped me after reading her post from Saturday though. Thanks Jess, I'm basically stealing your idea...hope you don't mind!! So, that being said, this week's topic is:
"My 5 'Celebrity' Crushes"

1. Justin Verlander/ Rick Porcello
Yes I know I cheated by picking two people for my first pick, but they both play for the Detroit Tigers, so therefore I am counting them as a unit :). I became a HUGE Verlander fan way back in 06 and Porcello joined the team in 09, thus that is when I started liking him. Not only are they good looking, they are also two of the best pitchers Detroit has. Porcello is having kinda a rough season, but I'm sure next year he will be back to the amazing pitcher he was his rookie year.

2. Justin Timberlake
justin timberlake Pictures, Images and Photos
Well is there any question why he is one of my 5? Just take a look at that face and stomach and you will see why. He is also amazingly talented and have you seen him on SNL? HILARIOUS!!

3. Ryan Reynolds
shirt off ryan Pictures, Images and Photos
I have loved this guy since he was on "Two Guys, A Girl, and A Pizza Place". Does anyone remember that show? I LOVED IT!! Well since the show got cancelled, Ryan has gone on to become an A-list movie actor. He's pretty cute too boot too! BTW, I would SO buy that show if it ever comes out on DVD!!!

4. Dane Cook
hotstuff Pictures, Images and Photos
I love that all of these lovely shirtless guys have six-packs! Sorry if all the shirtless pics offend anyone, but it is a way to make this Monday just a little better, isnt' it? So as I have stated previously I LOVE Dane Cook. I think he is HILARIOUS! So hilarious that I actually own all of his Cd's, comedy specials, and movies. He may not be the funniest of the comedians out there (in other people's opinions), but can you really argue that he isn't one of the hottest!!

5. Josh Harris
Josh and Jake Harris Pictures, Images and Photos
Josh and Jake Harris
Well I have previously blogged about my love for "Deadliest Catch" and Josh Harris is definitely one of my reasons for liking that show so much. Josh is a deckhand on one of the boats featured on the show and also the son of the late Captain Phil Harris. After watching how Josh was during his dad's illness and during his dad's last days, Josh seems like such a sweetheart and incredibly responsible. I think he's pretty adorable too, big ears and all!

So my lovely readers, who are some of your celebrity crushes??


  1. Oh my abs. Ryan Reynolds is definitely hot.

  2. Very nice pics :) Saw your blog on blog hop :) Would love to be followed back.

  3. Dropping by from Mailbox Monday. Following you on GFC. Looks like I picked a good day to pop by - Timberlake is lookin' better and better!!

  4. Dane Cook is so yummy!
    I'm a new follower from Mingle Mondays!

  5. what lovely pics on a Monday morning! Just stopping by from Meet Me Monday to check out your blog. Come follow me back for lots of ecofriendly giveaways and some coupons/freebies that might be useful!

    Have a great week!


  6. I LOVE Ryan Gosling from The Notebook. He always looks so down to you could run into him at the grocery store or something (I wish!) :) GREAT LIST! I like that you picked such a wide variety (not to mention shirtless variety haha). Holly

  7. I'm following from Mailbox Monday. I couldn't find a via email but I followed via GFC


  8. Excellent choices! That first dude freaked me out because he looks EXACTLY like my friend's brother-in-law. No lie, they could be twins. Creepy...

    I'm also a huge Dane Cook fan. I taped his Comedy Central Presents episode that first got him noticed (like five years ago) and watched it over and over again. I also have all of his cds.

    I'm loving all the linkage to my blog, by the way. Thanks dear! Happy Monday :)

  9. Oooo Ryan Reynolds is definitely one of my favorites. That post really did make Monday seem so much better. :)

    Following from Friendly Friday.

  10. Hot Hot Hot! Thanks for making monday a little bit brighter! lol I'm following from Meet me Monday. Hope you'll stop by soon!


  11. seriously??? Tom Brady where the heck is Tom Brady! U-G-H! I agree with you on Dane Cook!! So funny and so cute! :)


  12. Wow Becca I TOTALLY forgot Tom Brady!!! Maybe since he's with the supermodel and has two kids he has left my radar...Thanks to all my new followers!!! Jess you think you could introduce me to that friend of yours brother in law lol

  13. I am your newest follower, I love your blog layout

  14. Ryan Reynolds is my #1, and I am in major aggreance over the rest of your picks! :D lol!! I'm your newest follower and I hope you'll take a second, swing by my blog and follow back!

    Thank you!

  15. I would take JT any day! Found you @ WW :-)

  16. Nice picks and nice pics - lol

    I loved Two Guys, A Girl and a Pizza Place even before they switched the name to Two Guys and a Girl. I remember Ryan even earlier than that though in a show called "Fifteen" - he played the younger brother of one of the main characters.
