Monday, August 23, 2010

My 5 Monday!

Labor Day will be here in two short weeks!! Can you all believe it?!?! I can't! Before you know it we will be getting ready for Halloween and then Thanksgiving and Christmas will be following behind real quickly. That being said, this week's topic is:

"My 5 Favorite Things About Summer"

1. Detroit Tigers Baseball

Detroit Tigers Pictures, Images and Photos

I LOVE the Detroit Tigers. Absolutely love them. I generally will try to make it to at least one game during the summer. I missed last summer and haven't gone yet this year, but I still have a month left. Hopefully I will make it! My Tigers started out strong this season, but after the all star break they fell behind a lot. Still love them though and there's always next season!!

2. Bonfires

bonfire Pictures, Images and Photos

Who doesn't love a good bonfire. Sitting around the fire on a cool summer night with good drinks and great friends. LOVE IT. Gotta throw in some s'mores every now and then too of course :)

3. Swimming

Whether it is in a pool, lake, ocean or beach everyone has got to go swimming in the summer. I haven't gone down to the pool as much as I should have this summer, but I did go swimming in Lake Michigan, which is pictured above, this summer. I am pretty sure I could have spent all day in that water. LOVED those waves!!

4. Fireworks

fireworks Pictures, Images and Photos

Fireworks are always so beautiful. The place to go on the 4th of July where I live is Bay City. Actually Bay City has 3 days of fireworks on July 1, 2 and 3, but they always put on such a great show. I was lucky enough to make it out to the big 40 minute show on July 3 this year and they were very good. One of these years I want to make it to New York City to see their July 4th fireworks. Hopefully soon!!

5. "Up North" trips

Here in Michigan, the place to go for summer get aways is "up north". I honestly have no clue where "up north" actually starts, but everyone seems to head there in the summer. The "up north" place I go to is beautiful Higgins Lake (pictured above), with my bestie Becca. Becca's family has a cabin up there so we try to take a weekend trip up there every summer. It is so peaceful up there. Everytime it's time to go home I dread it. The last few times I have been there we have taken a trip to Traverse City to the casino. I never win anything, but it's always a good time. We of course have to hit the little ice cream shop before heading home too! It was too cold up there to go swimming this year, but hopefully next year we will be able to!

Well there you have it. My favorite things about the summer (in no particular order). What are you going to miss when summer ends??


  1. Ahh, sounds like good times in the mitten. Love the lake photo - it's beautiful!

    Even though I've had the A/C on a LOT this summer, I am going to miss being able to open the windows (at home and in the car).

  2. Thanks for linking up at MFM! I am already following you. You have a very cute blog! Have a great week!

  3. Thanks for following me, I am now your newest follower. I noticed that one of your favorite things is traveling "north." Well..I'm the opposite :-) I love to travel "south" in the summer. LOL This summer's southern destination was Florida to see fam. But I have to say this summer went by too fast.


  4. I'm Monday following you!!! By the way great blog!! Love it!!

  5. New blog follower from Making Friends Monday!

  6. never been to a bon fire sonds like your summer was better than mine! lol new follower from love the blog!

  7. I am stopping in from Mailbox Monday! I am a subscriber to your blog!! I am following too!
    Love the pictures!We still make bon fires!! I call the guys "The "Fire" men"!!


  9. I live in Florida but love summers despite the heat that comes along with it. I love bon fires and we always make a point to have weiner roast as an excuse to build one.
    So glad I found your blog through Follow Us Monday Morning

  10. Got some great Top 5 of summer. New follower from Sensational Saturday. Go Tigers :)

  11. I've always wanted to go to a bonfire! :(
    but yes,, sound like you had an amazing summer! Mine was ok as well..wish I could've done more fun things.. but oh well.. and yes can't wait for labor day weekend!

  12. Found you through blogging hopping from Mingle Mondays! Love all the posts I've read so far. Especially your annoyances posts. Hmmm I don't get the Old spice guy either and I'm really sick of Usher and hearing about Brett Favre. There has to be better, more interesting news than him retiring or not retiring AGAIN.

    P.S. I'm now following. Looking forward to reading future posts!

  13. Hello we found you on the Blog hop and we are your newest followers.
    Your Friends at

  14. Thanks for joining us today for the Tuesday Train.You have a great blog! Have a great week!

  15. Hey there! Thanks for visiting my blog!

    I love the look of your blog--great colors!

    We lived outside Detroit for a while and it was my very favorite place of the many places we've lived. Enjoy MI for me. I miss it!

    Kate (

  16. I love swimming in the ocean!

    Thank you for joining me at Follow Us Monday Morning, I am now following your blog.

    I would love it, if you would come and join me at The Wednesday Window . The Wednesday Window is the place to link up your favorite blog post of the week, check out Frugality Is Free for more details.
