Monday, August 30, 2010

My 5 Monday!!

This week's "My 5" is a little trip down memory lane. As you all know by my "Weekly Song Wednesday" posts, I love music. I have loved music since I was a little kid and there are certain songs I can remember playing and singing over and over again. Therefore, this weeks topic is:

"My 5 Favorite Songs When I Was a Kid"

1. "I'll Be There For You" by Bon Jovi

I've been told many times that when I was about four years old I would stand on top of my Little Tikes picnic table and sing this song. I am pretty sure I only knew the chorus, but at age four that's pretty good. What is also pretty good is that Bon Jovi is still selling out stadiums twenty years later. Guess I had good taste as a kid :)

2. "Like A Prayer" by Madonna

I remember my mom had the cassette of this and I used to replay it over and over when I was little. LOVED this song! Like Bon Jovi, Madonna has also remained a huge part of entertainment throughout the years. I wonder if the same will be said for some of these people that the kids love now a days.

3. "Nothing My Love Can't Fix" by Joey Lawrence.

Okay does anyone else remember this song?? I seriously remember getting Joey Lawrence's cassette for my 9th or 10th birthday. I used to LOVE him. I recall watching the episode of "Blossom" that they played this at the end of and I just fell in love with it. Joey Lawrence is still acting, but I guess he retired from his career as a singer. He is still pretty hot though!

4. "To Be With You" by Mr. Big

Just like the Joey Lawrence song, I remember getting Mr.Big's cassette for my 11th birthday. I still actually like this song a lot. So much so that it's even on my Ipod. I actually prefer 80's and 90's music since the music from today is so overplayed.

5. "Paradise City" by Guns and Roses

Well here is something random. I remember singing this song on my 5th birthday after getting my shots that I needed to start kindergarten that fall. Seriously. I remember that and I don't have the slightest idea why.

Well there ya have it. My 5 favorite songs from childhood. A strange list I know, but what can I say. What were some of your favs when you were a kid. Also does anyone else remember that Joey Lawrence song?!


  1. i cant believe you left out Jordan Hills Remember me this way!! Going out to devon from becky in burton!!!

  2. Thanks for joining in Mailbox Mondays!! I'm trying to email subscribe to your blog but can't seem to find the option to!

  3. Hi and thanks for joining Mailbox Monday! I'm a GFC follower but can't find a place to e-mail subscribe. You can grab that option from Let me know when you have it and I'll come back to subscribe!

    Melissa AKA Froggy
    A little of this A little of that...

  4. Hi there! Im a new follower! I'm only 20 but I do have to say I love a few of those myself! I might consider them to be oldies but they are still classics in my mind! Hopefully you'll follow me back!


  5. Stopping by from Meet Me Monday. I would love if you would stop by for a visit. I also host Admirer Monday at Giveaway Blogdom

  6. I'm a new follower and I would love for you to follow me back!

    Thank you so much!

  7. I love being all nostalgic! Like a Prayer... ahh... I still listen to it, still love it, still sing along off-key... haha :) Good times, good times!

  8. Joey Lawrence! How awesome!

    Great pics, except for Mr. Big, who I never really liked. :P

  9. I LOVE that you picked "Mr. Big." What a GREAT song! :) Have you seen that Joey Lawrence is in a new sitcom with Melissa Joan Hart. It's actually pretty cute in a cheesy-sitcom kind of way. I wonder if he will ever sing in one of the episodes...haha! Take care! Holly

  10. Following you from the Monday linkup


  11. I love your memories through music journey! I remember most of those songs. Who am I kidding? I remember the day MTV launched its channel! LOL Thanks for sharing. Stopping by from Meet&Greet. Happy Monday! :o) Larri at Seams Inspired

  12. All great song from back in the day - bringing back old memories for us all. Smiles


  13. hey i came across your blog and i love the songs!

  14. Thanks for joining the Tuesday Train and the new button is up on my sidebar now. Have a great week!

  15. Wonderful memories, I love Bon Jovi and Guns N' Roses. Believe it or not I remember Joey Lawrence.

    Stopping by from Follow Me Tuesday but I'm already following you.

    Have a great week!

  16. Hi! I'm your newest follower from the blog hop. Hope you can come visit me

    Mommy's Little Dinos

  17. I love me some Bon Jovi! And omg Joey Lawrence!! How could we forget?? haha

  18. Oh my gosh, I love love love that Mr. Big song. Way to take me back in time. :)

  19. Those first two were may favorites too as a kiddo, LOL! What a trip. Visiting from Tuesday Tag-Along.

  20. Great videos!
    Thank you for participating in Follow Us Monday Morning @ Frugality Is Free. I would like to invite you to the The Wednesday Window . It is the place to feature your favorite blog post of the past week or so, for more details check out Frugality Is Free.
