Tuesday, August 24, 2010

YouTube Tuesday!

Welcome all to another YouTube Tuesday!!! I REALLY like finding videos of ordinary people singing covers of their favorite songs. Some of these people are uber talented!! You never know, one of these people could be the next big thing. I hear YouTube is how a certain young singer (who shall remain nameless cuz I am sick of typing, hearing and seeing his name everywhere) was discovered. That all being said, this week's video is a cover of "Love The Way You Lie" by Eminem and Rhianna. These people are pretty good!! Check it out and let me know what you think!!


  1. Hi I'm the guest host from Follow me Back Tuesday just stopping by & returning your follow. Sure hope you checked out my give-aways too! THANKS for stopping by! So anyway, hello! Nice to meet ya! Now I must go browse a bit, and keep hopping! Have a great day! Thanks again!
    These kids are fantastic. Sure hope they go somewhere & hear them again doing their own originals.

  2. Hi there, I am a new follower from Tuesday tag along.
    I love love love the colours and style of your blog!!

    I look forward to reading more of your posts.

    My blog is http://chazzhart.blogspot.com/

  3. From FMBT, I think I already followed you, but did it again cause I didn't see my badge. thanks for following back.

  4. Hi I am here from FMBT! You have a very cute blog! I would love it if you would follow me back!

  5. They are pretty good! You have me intrigued. I want to go youtubin' now...

  6. WOW. These guys are great! Very impressive. Good find!

  7. Hi! Just wanted to let you know about my MomsReview4You Wednesday blog hop! Would love it if you would come follow me and link up!


  8. Hi there! I'm a new follower from Welcome Wednesday... Hope you can follow me back to at http://www.amauimommy.com. :-)
