Friday, September 17, 2010

Follow Them Friday...AND I Won a Blog Award :)

Guess what folks! I won my second blog award!!!! SOOO happy. Thanks to Melanie @ 2 Boys + 1 Girl = One Crazy Mom :) So that means for this weeks "Follow Them Friday" I am going to feature many bloggers plus the lovely Melanie. Melanies's blog features recipes, great bargins, coupons, and giveaways. Currently she has a giveaway for a $10 gift card to Gymboree. So I highly recommend you clicking the above link and checking her out. If you become her follower, make sure to let her know that you found her on "Follow Them Friday" @ It's All Random!! Now onto the awards!!

On to the rules for accepting this award…

1. Accept the award. Post it on your blog with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.

2. Pay it forward to 10 other bloggers that you have newly discovered.

3. Contact those blog owners and let them know they’ve been chosen.

Blogs That I Love!!
There ya have it! Don't be upset if I didn't list your blog, I love them all and I can't list all 400+ :(. Make sure to follow Melanie and also check out any or all of the award winners and follow them too! Happy Friday all!!


  1. Thanks for linking up to Bee Funny Friday!

  2. Aww! I just think you're the bee's knees. No, seriously, if bees had tiny little knees, you'd be it. :P

  3. That is just great!
    I am now following.


  4. hi fantastic blog im following u thru the fabulous friday blog hop :)

  5. I'm blog hopping on Friday for the first time, and loving it!

  6. Hi there! I'm your newest follower from Follow Me Friday :)

  7. That's so exciting! Visiting from Boost my Blog Friday.
