Monday, September 27, 2010

My 5 Monday!!

This week's My 5 is all about traveling. I LOVE traveling. I wish I could go on vacation every year. For 3 years in a row I did, but no vacationing this year :(. Maybe next year though. This weeks My 5 is:

"My 5 Places I Want to Visit Before I Die"

1. Hawaii

Hawaii shadow palm beach Pictures, Images and Photos

Seriously who doesn't want to go to Hawaii. Every time I see pictures of it or see it on the screen I wish I were there. Beautiful weather, gorgeous beaches, friendly people....PARADISE!!! I also really want one of those beautiful leis they give you when you get off the plane!'

2. Tahiti

TAHiTi Pictures, Images and Photos

If you want my reasons for wanting to visit here just read the above about Hawaii. Basically all the same reasons. I remember seeing Ali travel there on this past season of  "The Bachelorette" and I was completely jealous (for more reasons than one). It just looks so relaxing!!

3. Australia

Trip to Sydney Pictures, Images and Photos

Well I guess I should've been in Oprah's audience a couple weeks ago and this trip would've actually happened. So envious of those people by the way!! Australia is one of the only countries I would want to travel to honestly. The people seem very friendly, they have great accents, and it just seems such a nice continent. Lots of kangaroos and koala bears too I hear!! This is probably the least likely place I will actually make it to, but I can still dream right!!

4. Walt Disney World

Walt Disney World Pictures, Images and Photos

So I have never been to Disney before. Seriously. Even though I am in my twenties, I still want to go there though. C'mon now its called the "happiest place on Earth" how could I NOT want to visit there. I am sure I won't be going there until I have some kiddies of my own, but rest assured, I will make it there one day!! Oh yea, and I will also TOTALLY ride the Dumbo ride no matter how old I am when I go there!!

5. New York City in the fall/winter

Central Park Pictures, Images and Photos

Tree at Rockafeller Center Pictures, Images and Photos

So I have been to NYC twice in the spring and I LOVE it! I wish I could go there every year. There is so much to do and even though I have been there twice in the last few years, I still haven't been able to do it all. I soo want to go there in the fall so I can see Central Park with all the gorgeous colors and catch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in person. I want to go in the winter so I can see Rockefeller Center ice rink with the GORGEOUS trees and I might as well just stay until New Years Ever so I can watch the ball drop in person with Ryan Seacrest and Dick Clark. I will do this one day before I die!!!

Well my lovelies, where do you want to make it to before you leave this Earth???


  1. Hong Kong, Sydney, Thailand, Galapagos and India!
    its 12.19pm, so not posting pics right now .. but here is a little list :)

  2. Hi, I'm your latest follower from Making Friends Maonday
    My Top 5 are : Maldives, Japan, Santorini, Alaska and Morocco :)

    Btw, hope a visit from you

    Citra @ innocentia

  3. Ima a new follower would love a follow back!!

    enjoy your day!

  4. Seriously, I love love love love love to go to Disney World. I keep telling Ryan we need to go before we get started with kids!!! - he laughs at me... I would love to leave the country - but ryan doesn't ever want to leave America. :) SERIOUSLY!!! :)

  5. You have picked some seriously good places to visit. Of them, I have been to Disney World ( fun!), and New York in the fall. Vermont is also amazingly gorgeous in the fall. There's just something about the smell of the leaves that have fallen, and a good pumpkin spice latte that makes me happy. Anyway, I'm a new follower! :)

    Green Momma,

  6. Hello, found you through blog hopping. Wanted to stop by and say hi.

    We have been to Disney World and LOVED it!! I SO want to go to Hawaii!!

    Feel free to stop by either or both of my blogs and say hello and follow.

    So Stylilized-FREE Custom Blog Designs:

    Jessicas Lil Corner-Our Family Blog:

    Have a blessed Monday!! :)

  7. I love that picture of Tahiti. It wasn't on my list before, but it is now!

    Also, I am determined to make it to NYC one day! I WILL GO!

  8. grrr my comment from earlier didnt post! :-(

    I said: Tahiti, Greece, Istanbol, Rome and Alaskan Cruise are my 5!

  9. Thanks for joining in Mailbox Monday! I'm an email subscriber.

  10. great list, I hope one day you can check them all off your list!

    I am your newest follower, come on over to Punky Monkey's, maybe you will want to follow along


  11. I'm your newest follower, love your blog. Please follow back.
