Friday, September 10, 2010

Random 90's Teen Idol News

1200Okay my lovely readers, I am aware that it is Friday which means I should be featuring a fellow blogger, but to be honest I am just too tired to pick one tonight. Rest assured "Follow Them Friday" will return next week. I will even prepare the post this weekend so this doesn't happen again. In the meantime, please continue reading the following post and make sure you leave me a comment if you would like to be featured next week for Follow Them Friday!

So this past week has been a little trip down memory lane for me in pop culture. My "My 5 Monday" posting featured my fav TV shows as a child and my blogging buddy Jess had a 90's tribute all week which I completely enjoyed! Check her out HERE. I promise you won't be disappointed! Anyways, Wednesday night I was bored on the internet so I decided to check out Entertainment Weekly's website to see what was going on in the celeb world. Well the first thing I see on there is "LFO lead singer Rich Cronin, 35, dies after battle with leukemia". I was completely shocked! I will admit I LOVED their song "Summer Girls" back in 1999. I am pretty sure that song helped Abercrombie & Fitch sales a great deal also. It was kind of a ridiculous song, but pretty catchy. Well I was extremely surprised to read this on EW's website, especially since I subscribe to text alerts from E!. Seriously E!, this is the news that I actually care to get texts about. I don't care to get texts about Linday Lohans every move towards crazy, or Paris Hilton's escape trip to Hawaii (that is actually the text I got from E! that day). In my opinion, people dying is more of a news alert than overnight "celebs" vacation plans. Maybe thats just me though...

In other random 90's teen idol news, my former celeb crush Jonathan Taylor Thomas turned 29 this week. I saw that on EW's website Wednesday night also. He will be 30 next year and I feel OLD!!!

Well just a random rambling from me today :)

Enjoy a trip down memory lane and listen to some LFO...does anyone NOT remember this song? RIP Rich Cronin!


  1. Thanks for joining our blog hop over at Sassy Sites! There are some amazing blogs out there, and you are definetly one of them! I'm a follower of yours too! Happy Friday! xoxo

    Marni @ Sassy Sites!

  2. Happy Friday to you! I'm your newest follower from the Hop. :)

    The Homeschool Chick

  3. i still have an LFO song on my iPod. LOVED them! heehee

    so what are the conditions of this 'follow them Friday' blog?? I'd like to be featured....

  4. Following via Friendly Friday!

    Please check out my blog!

  5. Great post! I had no idea about the LFO guy. So sad :(

    Thanks for the shout out! I love you so much!

  6. HAHA! So I absolutely remember the very first time I saw that video. I was babysitting, and the kids were in bed (I was like 16 or something) and I remember thinking "These guys are the next Backstreet Boys or NSYNC... if I know about them before everyone else, I will be cool by association! Awesome plan!"

    So I very, very intently watched the video and learned the words and memorized everything the VJ said about them. At school on Monday I pretended to be all tres cool about it, but nobody else had heard of them, so I looked like a loser anyway.

    Good times.

  7. Hi- I am your newest follower the blog hop. Your blog is intereting. Looking forward to reading more.

  8. I just found your blog on Making Friends Monday. Happy Monday!
