Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Weekly Song Wednesday!

It's time for another "Weekly Song Wednesday". YAY!!!!! This week's song couldn't be more fitting for this week. It is called "September" by Daughtry. I first heard this song a few months ago and LOVED IT! I think now that it really is September we will be hearing it played on the radio a lot more. That being said, I had to feature it before it got overplayed and we all started to hate it. Give it a listen and let me know what you think!!!


  1. Thanks for following Mommy Rantings! Following you back! Bethany

  2. Thanks for linking up to Friendly Wednesday! Hope you'll join us next week as well!

    My husband has been told multiple times by lots of diffrent people he looks like Daughtry... I had no clue who he was until now!

    Have a great week!

  3. I LOVE Daughtry. Loved him on American Idol, and now love his band. Basically, just lots and lots of love!

  4. Hi, I just found you through one of the Thursday blog hops. I am your newest follower :)

  5. Very appropriate song!! Happy September!
