Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Weekly Song Wednesday!!

I'm not gonna lie. I had a hard time picking this week's song. Therefore, if it seems like a random choice, it is. This week's song is actually a cover of a very popular song. It is "Hey Jude" sung by this years American Idol Lee Dewyze. I was actually a Lee fan this season and think I have heard him played on the radio a total of one time since winning. I love the raspiness of his voice though and absolutely love his version of this classic song. Enjoy!!


  1. Love ....hey jude but can't imagine anyone but the Beatles doing it. but i have an open mind...tried to play but server is acting crazy!

  2. Love Lee Dewyze, I think he's adorable and has a great voice! Good pick!

  3. New follower... from Keepin Company Thursday.

  4. Hi! I'm here from Buzz on by Thursday. Love your blog, its so fun!!

  5. Hi! Hey Jude is a great song, nice choice!! Newest follower from Buzz on By Thursday!

  6. Great song choice! Thanks for sharing. Buzzing by...Happy Thursday! :o) Larri at Seams Inspired
