Sunday, October 10, 2010


Well I think I have finally hit my slump. I started blogging back in July and up until last week, blogged daily. I have also gotten 483 followers in that time, which I am grateful for. However, these last few weeks, I just haven't been in the blogging mood. The fact that I have had little traffic through my blog the last week or so hasn't motivated me much either. That being said, I am going to take a week or so off. Don't worry all my followers who enjoy reading my blog. I am not ending this. If I think of ideas for my daily topics, I will blog and schedule them for next week, but it is seeming too much like a neccessity lately to blog, and not a fun thing. I am sure this week off will get me excited to start up again though! So please stick with me because I will be back in full swing next week!! Oh yea, I will still be reading all of your blogs so don't worry about losing me as a follower either!!


  1. I completely understand! If blogging is not fun and relaxing some time off is always nice!

  2. Hi Nicole! I'm a rather new follower, and I know exactly how you're feeling. Mr. Frugal had to remind me that blogging is NOT a chore, and it is something I enjoy doing. And, if it starts feeling like a chore then I need to step back and rethink things. So, I COMPLETELY understand. Take some time off to relax, and refresh. We'll all still be here. :)

  3. Take all the time you need. I'm on one now and it does help.

  4. watch out, I wanted to take a week off a while back and ended up posting eight times that week.

  5. A hobby should never feel like work. Hobbies are for fun, and work is not fun. :P Enjoy your break...catch up on reading, or soaps, or bubblebaths. Just enjoy. :)

  6. I've been going through that myself lately. Have a great week. It is amazing how we throw ourselves into something.

    Shibley Smiles

  7. I've kind of been in the same mood lately. I think it's good to take a break every once in a while, otherwise the quality of our writing will diminish.
