Tuesday, October 5, 2010

YouTube Tuesday!!

Well folks I'm going to warn you right away, this is the saddest video I will probably ever post. I am sure many of you have seen this commercial before. It is the commercial for the ASPCA. As if showing clips of sad looking animals isn't bad enough, they accompany that with depressing music from Sarah McLachlan. I can't even handle watching this commerical when it comes on anyore. I seriously have to turn the channel. Kudos to the ASPCA though for the depressing commercial, because everytime I see it I want to pick up the phone right away to donate. My challenge to you all this week is to see how long you can make it through the video before having to stop it. I made it 56 seconds. Also if you are feeling generous, head on over to their website and make a donation!! Don't worry I will post a much more uplifting video next week!!


  1. Sorry, but I couldn't watch the video. That commercial comes on my tv all the time and I have to mute it and look away. It's too sad!

  2. This video makes me cry everytime! I love your blog design.

    I am following you from the Catch a Wave Wednesday. When you have a momemt stop by and check out my blog.


  3. following u thru catch a wave wednesday :)

    hope you'll follow bk

    greetings from a uk girl


  4. I've seen this before. Heartbreaking. It always makes me think about my dog, and I just can't understand someone treating her, or any animals, so horribly!
