Monday, December 20, 2010

Top Songs of 2010 Pt.1

Can you believe this is my second post in the last three days? I can't either!! This post will focus on SOME of my favorite songs from 2010. There will be more than one part to this as I liked many songs this year. Great year for music in my opinion. Today's post will feature the songs that are just oh so catchy I can't help but sing along everytime I hear them, whether they are overplayed or not!

OMG by Usher

When I first heard this song I wasn't a fan. Then the more I heard it I loved it. A few weeks later I was sick of it again, and now I love it again. It was overplayed for sure, but this song put Usher back on the map this year, with a little help from Oh and the fact that he titled it OMG just makes me laugh!

Cooler Than Me by Mike Posner

New artist Mike Posner had a hit with this single. Once again, overplayed, but hard to not start singing along when I hear it!

F*ck You by CeeLo Green

I featured this song as one of my "Weekly Song Wednesday" picks. Never heard anything by CeeLo before, but I LOVE his voice. Oh yea and I learned that he used to be in Gnarls Barkley. Guess I had heard him before after all. Not a radio friendly song, so they had to change the radio version to "Forget You", but still great! Looking forward to hearing more from him! I wanted to post the original version, but didn't want to offend anyone, so be sure to check it out on YouTube!!

Raise Your Glass by Pink

Haven't heard too many songs that I love by Pink lately until this song came along. Great beat, great lyrics, and a perfect song for these times with all of the bullying in schools lately. Also love that she says "Whats the dealio" because my friends and I totally used to say that all the time back in high school! Thanks for giving me a reason to raise my glass Pink!

Firework by Katy Perry

Just like "Raise Your Glass" this song also has a great message for teens, perfect for these times. Love it! Oh and the fact that it is featured in the "Just Dance 2" game commercial makes me soo want to buy that game, because it looks so darn fun!

Hey, Soul Sister by Train

This is probably the song that I am most sick of, yet can't NOT sing it when I hear it. NIce comeback by you also this year Train! Apparently this song is from 2009, but I honestly don't remember hearing it until this year therefore, it counts :).

That concludes part one. I don't actually know how many parts there will be, but stay tuned!! Oh and I LOVE comments so feel free to leave me one telling me what you think of my picks! Also feel free to leave suggestions for the next part :)


  1. Great post!!! --- I love this idea super cool! I'm still waiting on my top ten fascinating people! I won't pub that until after Christmas though!

    Enjoy your week sista!

  2. I love love love Train! Also, as much as I fought it, Katy Perry won me over. I think she's just adorable.
