Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Idol Live with Nicole! Auditions pt. 3

Second week of auditions begins tonight. I don't know how many weeks there are, but I'm hoping no more than four! Tonight features the Milwaukee auditions and once again the show is two hours long, so like last week,  I will be only mentioning the people that get through (maybe the occasional really bad one too) in tonights' blog.

Ugh Ryan reminds us that season 8's Danny Gokey is from here. Yippee frickin doo! Not a Gokey fan if you couldn't tell! First up is Scotty, 16, who has been singing country songs forever. He picks "Your Man" by Josh Turner and sings it pretty well since he has the deep voice like Josh does. Steven asks him to sing another song and he picks a Travis Tritt song. He has a great country voice, but I don't know how well he will sound on other genres. Steven drops some interesting analogy and gets bleeped and is surprised that he isn't allowed to drop F bombs on American Idol. Goodness. Scotty gets through!

Next is Joe,19, who is going to school to be a DJ. He and Ryan are pretty entertaining together. He doesn't listen to Ryan's show though since he apparently listens to only country. He chooses to sing a Billy Joel song and it s not good at all. The judges all tell him to stick to being a DJ and not a singer. Horrible singing, but he is entertaining.

Emma, 15, is next and she was only 5 when Idol first came on. These kids make me feel old! She sings "True Colors" and I don't think its all that good, but the judges put her through anyways after she cries and begs. Steven is the only one that honestly wanted to put her through though I think. (Side note: Randy's teeth are REALLY white!). JLo thinks she will be eaten up in Hollywood and she is most likely right.

After three horrible contestants, we meet Naima, who cleans at the amphitheater. She chooses "For All We Know" by Donnie Hathaway and she is pretty darn good. Best of the night in my opinion so far. 

Jerome, 27,  a wedding/ bar mitzvah singer is up next and sings "Let's Get it On" by Marvin Gaye. Little too over the top for me, but not a bad voice. He is on to Hollywood. After getting in the apparently mandatory Justin Bieber mention, we are introduced to the youngins. Thia, 15, sings "Chasing Pavement" by Adele and is moving on to Hollywood. Apparently every other 15 year old that auditioned that day got through also, but we don't see much of them.

Molly, 22, is a Harvard grad and intern at the White House. She apparently loves Obama, but not in a Monica Lewinsky/Bill Clinton way. When Randy was high fiving everyone before the show, he accidentally hit her in the face. Which they have video of and its pretty funny. She sings "Sitting on the Dock of the Bay". Interesting voice, not my favorite, but not too bad. (Side note: WTF is up with people picking this song?! Seriously how many young people have that on their Ipod playlist?). Randy asks her where she's been during this show. Apparently he forgot that she was busy attending Harvard and interning at the White House.

Ugh Danny Gokey cameo again!! Hailey, 18, auditioned last year and the judges told her to come back. She sounds pretty good singing "Oh Darling" this year and she is off to the next round. Tiwan, 29, sings what I am assuming is called "Twisting the Night Away" and does a decent enough job to join Hailey.

Steve, 27, kinda sounds like Kermit the Frog, but he ends up going to Hollywood. I don't think he will make it very far :). Seems like a nice guy though and I may be very wrong about how far he makes it

Scott, 22, sings a song that I have never heard, but he has a surprisingly good voice. KInda reminds me of Elliot Yamin, with the white boy soul voice.

Alyson, 24, is obsessed with Steven Tyler. I don't see the attraction really, but whatever. She sings "Come Together" by The Beatles and its a'ight. She then sings "Dream On" but says she can't hit the end note. She must not have watched Danny Gokey murder the song during season 8. Steven uses Randy's trademark "pitchy" comment, but she ends up through anyways.

Of course the show has to end with the sad story contestant. Chris, 26, is engaged. His fiance got into an accident in October of 2009 and suffered a traumatic brain injury. He and her mother are now her caretakers. That really is a sad story :(. He sings "Breakeven" by The Script and I didn't like it too much in the beginning, but he gets pretty good as he goes on. The judges ask him to bring his fiance to meet them and it seriously made me tear up! Of course he is through to Hollywood :)
Pretty good show tonight. Gotta say the horrible civil war re-enactor was pretty entertaining too. Probably the funniest one of the night. Off to Nashville tomorrow!!


  1. it was really good tonight, and yes, i teared up with you on the end of it with the sad story contest! It was actually a really good show tonight! Steven Tyler is actually starting to grow on me.

  2. Following you from Tell Us Something Good Thursday! You can find me at

  3. Steve Beguhn is one of my fav picks. He was in musicals with me in HS. Great guy, awesome voice, and seriously "HUGE" just a massive presence wherever he is. Of course, I'm a little biased :)
