Thursday, February 3, 2011

Idol Live with Nicole! Auditions Pt. 6

The sixth audition episode takes place tonight in Los Angeles! Hopefully there will be lots of great singers here! The show starts with a recap of some of the singers found so far. Ryan once again tells is its some of the best talent they've seen in 10 seasons. Like I have stated before, I am pretty sure he says that EVERY season! We shall see Ryan! I am pretty sure Randy stole the little Oscar statue's shoes! They are some kind of gold!

Victoria,21, is the first contestant of the night. She thinks she will be the winner. She sounds like Alvin and the Chipmunks when she sings. Holy squeakiness Batman! The judges give her a well deserved NO! Steven says she sounds like a lamb and I have to agree! On her way out she tells her mom and the camera that JLo can't really sing well herself.

Tim, 23, has a huge crush on Jennifer. He is actually kinda cute! About time! He sings "She Will Be Loved" and I like it. I may be biased since he is the best looking contestant I can remember this season though. I seem to have a soft spot for the cute guys on this show :). He needs to get his teeth whitened a little though. Randy gives him a no, but Steven and Jennifer both send him through to Hollywood.

Justin, 27 is featured first after the commercial. He is also kinda cute, but his voice isn't very good. No Hollywood for him ( I don't think). Daniel and Issac are up next. They are friends and came to audition together. Daniel,18 is first with "I'll Be". It is not good at all. He gets a no from all three judges. Isaac, 18 sings "Build Me Up Buttercup". He is also pretty bad. I don't really know why these two got TV time since neither is going on to Hollywood. Seriously? We can't see people that actually do get through? They do both have positive attitudes though and liked that they were told they are attractive. Good for them!

The MySpace audition winners are featured next. Glad someone is still using poor old MySpace! Karen 21, is first with "You Give Good Love To Me". Nice voice. Finally! Apparently Karen sang to JLo on TRL back in the day. She is off to Hollywood! Taneisha, 25,  is up next after doing the splits in the confessional. That's fantastic. She seems annoying already. She even comes equipped with a microphone. She's going to do a tribute to Frank SInatra. Ohhh poor Frank. She is just butchering his great song "My Way". Apparently she is a great singer that already has three albums that are "ready to be composed". Randy leaves the stage and she chases after him singing "You're Gonna Love Me". Oh goodness. ANNOYING!!! I really hope she wasn't one of the MySpace winners. She finally leaves after singing her third song and having security escort her out.

Sidenote: Every time I see a preview for that Justin Bieber movie, that song gets stuck in my head!

Heidi, 23, decides to sing after doing a little dance for the judges. Decent voice, but I think Randy just likes the way she looks. She is on to Hollywood. Matt is pretty creepy in my opinion. He goes by "Mr. MSFP".Apparently he started his own company. Don't really understand much of what he is saying. Apparently he has a hip hop alter ego. Let me inform you that he is some chubby weight guy in a business suit, He then raps about something. I hear the words "red cross" and "wheel of fortune", but none of it makes sense to me at all. He tells Randy that he is a freelance music producer and he has "millions" but then changes it to bunches of clients. OMG this is horrible! He literally asks for another chance "even though it is against their best judgement". Shockingly he doesn't get through! He promises to be back next year. I can hardly wait! He gives Ryan his CD and tells him to listen to the whole thing and then call him up and tell him what he thinks. Ryan tells him he doesn't have his number. He then informs the camera that he and Randy now have a beef. However will Randy sleep!

After some more bad, yet funny auditions we finally get some good ones! Mark and Aaron are up next and they are brothers. They duet with "Lean on Me" and they don't sound bad at all. Pretty darn good actually! Anybody sounds good after the previous shown contestants though I guess. Cute guys, nice voices, and it seems like good personalities. They are both through to the next round!

We end the show with Cooper aka The Human Tornado. I already love that they are giving him subtitles while he speaks, even though you can actually understand what he is saying. He THINKS he is 59, but he's not sure. Apparently he is trying to be the next "Pants on the Ground" guy, but he is just plain annoying. He says he is going to be the next movie star. I think he is at the wrong show. JLo asks if he is still in the hallway before leaving. Its kinda sad that he actually came all the way to LA from Arkansas to make a complete fool of himself.

Next week is San Francisco, where we see more sob stories and people that can actually sing! I think Ryan said Hollywood week starts next week too. YAY!! :)

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