Sunday, March 27, 2011

Charity Donation Update

If any of you remember reading my blog post about my new years resolutions (which you can find HERE), you recall me saying that I wanted to make a donation to a different charity every month this year. Well it is now March and I am happy to say that I have kept that resolution thus far :). In January I donated to the Michigan Humane Society, February I chose St. Jude's Children's Hospital, and I just made my March donation to the World Wildlife Fund. One of the local radio stations also held their annual radiothon last month for the Children's Miracle Network and I once again became a monthly donor for them. So, now for the point of this post. I need some help coming up with other great causes to donate to. As you can probably tell from my donation history thus far, I really support animal and children's causes. However, I am also planning on making donations later this year to USO, Breast Cancer Foundation, American Cancer Society, and the ASPCA. So if you add it all up that keeps me covered for 7 months, which means I need help choosing 5 more organizations for the year. So I am asking the help of my lovely blog readers; if you could leave me a comment with an organization that means a lot to you or one that maybe you make regular donations too I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks for all the help!!!


  1. Hey, I think you should add the National MS Society to your list. Could you help me and my team in the MS walk? It would be appreciated!! Check out my blog to check out the post!! Thanks!!!

  2. I will say the same, the National MS Society does a lot for me! I personally have helped with MS Walks before, etc.

  3. The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society is trying to find cures for blood disorders. My grandmother died of lymphoma in 1996, so it's a charity that I definitely support.

    You could also donate to Michael J. Fox's organization to help find a cure for Parkinson's.
