Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Idol Live with Nicole! Top 12 Boys!

Finally time for America to start voting for their picks! I'm going to be honest and say I already have a few faves (Stefano and Tim) so I am hoping they will do good during this round so they can make it to the Top 10. According to Ryan only 5 will make it through this week! Hoping even more that they do good! Ryan tells us to take a look at the stage...doesn't look much different to me than last season though. Ohhh apparently there will be wild card picks so it looks like 6 guys will make it through. Ohhh I did notice something, looks like they are starting in the big theater this season right away instead of waiting for the Top 12. I do like this stage much more. Apparently this week's eppys aren't live until the results show seeing as how Ryan just swore and they bleeped it pretty accurately.

Clint Jun Gamboa- "Superstitious" Clint I liked during his audition, but not so much during Hollywood week. I am willing to bet that Randy says something about his red shoes. Pretty decent vocals and great energy, but I can't say I'm a big fan of the Adam Lambert screaming. Steven says he started and ended strong, called it brilliant. Jennifer said his jitters didn't affect his performance, said it was good. Randy said there's no karaoke singer with that kind of vocal talent in the world. Randy let me down but not commenting on this shoes though. I guess this really is a singing competition this season like he said. Apparently you can now vote online also....plenty of box stuffing going to be going on this season!

Jovony Baretto -"I'll Be" Nice to look at, decent vocals, but not my favorite. He does look a little nervous though so I will cut him some slack tonight. Did a good job of holding the note, voice didn't crack at all. Not too bad, the audience seemed to love it. Steven said "Holy Shipyard". Said he brought it. Jennifer is really happy and said he did it. Randy didn't really get it, said it felt karaoke. Said he didn't bring anything different or unique to it, it was just okay. OMG, I hope I don't share the same views as Randy all season!

Jordan Dorsey-"OMG" This guy has decent vocals, but had a crappy attitude during Hollywood week. A little too cocky for me. Okay Jordan, if you are going to sing this song, you need to have a lot of energy and you don't have so much. My least favorite of the night so far. He is no Usher, that's for sure. Not a fan of that performance at all. Steven said he has the moves, but it wasn't OMG over the top for him. Jennifer said she doesn't think that's who he really is as an artist and he agrees. (Why did you pick it then?!). Randy said it was pitchy all over the place and it pales in comparison to the original. Jordan keeps saying the songs not him, but I don't know why he even picked it then...stupid move! I really hope he gets booted!

(Sidenote: A little advice for future Idol contestants, never choose OMG again. It can only be done by Usher without sounding annoying)

Tim Halperin- "Streetcorner Symphony". Okay this guy didn't get too much airtime during the auditions, but I LOVED him during Hollywood. Hope he does good tonight!Hmmm starts off a little rough, he kinda sounds slower than the music. Chorus gets better, he seems nervous too so I will cut him some slack also. Love this song, but not a great choice for him. Steven says that song didn't do him any justice and he let him down. (Agree). Jennifer doesn't think that's his strength. She doesn't want to lose him over that (me either). Randy says he has been much better before and he didn't bring anything exciting or new to it. I agree with them all, but know he has been better before so I hope he makes it through (fingers crossed!!). I may just have to vote for him to keep him safe...(yes I am one of those people :)).

Brett Lowenstein- "Light My Fire". This kid seems like a sweet kid. Well he isn't too loud with this song, although it does pick up a little. Pretty good vocals. He is whipping his hair around a lot. He must've listened to Willow Smith's song before he performed. Steven says he brought it home. Jennifer says that was more hair tossing than her and Beyonce put together in the last 10 years. She liked it. Randy says there was 14 hair shakes, Brett said he didn't know he was doing it. Says there was pitch problems in the beginning, but he fixed them. Umm is his hair brown now?! I'm pretty sure it was red before, but it looks awfully brown now. He is pretty likeable and that was a decent performance so I am calling him safe.

James Durbin-"You Got Another Thing Comin'". I liked this kid during his audition, but didn't like him all that much during Hollywood. Not a fan of all the screaming either. I didn't like it that much when Adam Lambert did it and he actually sounded better than James at it. He has good energy during his performance, but he makes some weird facial expressions while singing. Vocally he is doing good though and this is a singing competition after all. Oh and there's the trademark scream (#1). Actually fit in the song pretty well though, Screma #2 was a little much though at the end. Steven said that was "bleep" crazy good. He loves that he's over the top. Jennifer loves the way he performs, says its insane. Randy said "this is how you do it!". He asks him whats up with the scarf tail and James says he needs something to make him stand out. Also compliments him on not overdoing the screaming. Pretty good performance. He will be safe I'm sure.

Robbie Rosen- "Angel". Okay I am going to predict this before I even hear him sing and say he will be safe. The kiddies need someone to vote for and I think he will be the one to get their votes, not positive though. Hmm I am not a fan of the beginning at all. Seems like he is going faster than the music. He reminds me of a Jonas brother. Yea I am not liking this very much at all. Especially towards the end when he tries to go high. Yea I think I liked that just a little bit more than OMG from earlier. Steven says it was beautiful (WHAT?!). Jennifer says when he sings he feels every single word. She seems to have loved it too! Randy differs (THANK GOD). Doesn't think it was a great performance and says it was really pitchy. OMG I am agreeing with Randy more than anyone else so far. Apparently Simon's seat is the only one where people can hear correctly! Well since Steven and Jennifer liked it and he is the kiddie vote, I am calling him safe (even though that was not too good).

Scotty McCreery- "Letters From Home" Kudos to Scotty for not picking a Josh Turner song. I wonder if it was even an option. This guy sings country REALLY WELL, but God help him when they get to the other genres. Since this is a country song, he is singing it pretty well though. Also its pretty patriotic so he's got that going for him. He makes some weird facial expressions too. Not bad, could be safe since he is by far the most country of the season. If not, he will most likely have a career in country music. Steven says he couldn't have picked a better song. Jennifer says that right there is why she didn't cut him after Hollywood week. Randy loves that he switched it up? (what?!) He loves the lowness in his voice. Hmm I will call him safe since he picked a good song for his voice.

Stefano Langone- "Just The Way You Are" Ohh Stefano thank you for picking Bruno Mars, but you aren't doing that well with it :(. Beginning was pretty rough, but it gets a little better as it goes on. Watching Steven watch these people cracks me up. Aww Stefano cracked on the high note. Still love Stefano and think he's adorable, but that was pretty rough. Steven loved it and said he is so good. Jennifer says he is so consistent and theres nothing awkward about him up there. Randy called him out on the sharpness of the high note, but he loved it too. Umm WTF judges, I love Stefano and I thought that was kind of bad. Hmm I think he may have the kiddie vote after all. Let me call him safe too??

Paul McDonald- "Maggie May" This guy has quite an interesting tone to his voice. Okay I don't know that I like the fact that he chose this song. Little too old school and old in general for me. He is doing pretty well with it so I guess he knew what he was doing. His teeth also seem to look very white... Such a unique voice!! Didn't like the song, but great choice for him. Steven said he loves the character in his voice. Jennifer loves the way he moves and also points out his nice white smile! She said it was a good performance. Randy loves that he is so unique and different from anyone else that has been on the show.

Jacob Lusk- "A House is Not a Home" Okay this guy was wayy too much for me in Hollywood. His looks are kinda creepy during this performance. At least he is a little bit more restrained during this song though. Good vocals on him. Nice R&B voice and he didn't go over the top like I was expecting him too. Nice job! Steven is honored to be in his presence. He loved it. Jennifer is happy that we have Jacob now that Luther Vandros is gone?? Randy says there isn't anything he can't sing, he is so proud of him. Well he is safe and if he isn't saved by America he will be the judges wildcard for sure.

Casey Abrams- "I Put A Spell on You". Well he starts off pretty strong. I'm surprised he didn't play an instrument this week though. He really seems to get into his performances. Goodness he seems as if he is getting mad at the song! Well that sure was interesting. Pretty good though. Steven says its as good as it gets. Jennifer says he is sexy (okay?). She says he wants it bad. Randy loves how he transformed himself. Loves his uniqueness.

Well first off, I feel bad for Tim and Jordan since they are the only people that Steven seemed to not like. I still think Tim is a great singer so I hope he makes it through, but I don't have high hopes for him, especially since only 5 will get through. Let me make my prediction right now and call Jacob, Casey, Stefano, Brett, Scotty, and either Paul, James, or Robbie safe including the judges wildcard pick. Pretty sure Jordan, Clint, Javony and TIm :( are going home. I won't be said if Tim makes it through though! Who were your faves and who do you think is going home??

1 comment:

  1. okay - really i know! so crazy! My favorite of thee night was the country guy but you are right, he's gonna get tore up when we do genres!!!!

    oh and yes - I did NOT like the bruno mars song!
