Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My New Favorite Movie!!

A while ago I posted about the greatness that is Netflix for Wii. Well this weekend I indulged myself in it and watched a few movies. Some of those movies included "Precious"- not as good as I thought it would be. I had higher expectations, still a good movie though; "Keith"- Had never heard of it before and basically just found it by searching through the Netflix library. Pretty great movie though, reminded me a little of "A Walk To Remember" (which I love!); and my personal favorite that I watched this weekend and definitely one of my new favorite movies of all time- "Life As A House". Now this movie came out way back in 2001, but this is the first time I have seen it. Loved this movie from beginning to end and I'm pretty sure I could watch it at least once a week. A few disturbing moments in the movie when I was thinking "WTF?!", but otherwise FANTASTIC! Be prepared with a box of Kleenex though, as it is pretty darn sad! If you haven't seen it yet I highly recommend it! Check out the trailer below!

Now if only I could find someplace that actually sold it I'd be one happy lady!! Might have to check out some of the movie stores to see if any of them have it for sale. If not, I guess I can always watch it on Netflix whenever I want!


  1. I so agree with you about Precious. I am addicted to Netflix for Wii also. Right now I'm hooked on Damages and Dexter, which is really weird for me, I never watch anything scary. Go figure. Thanks for the movie suggestions I'm going to check them both out.

    Have a good one.

    Carol-the gardener

  2. Newest follower from the Welcome Wednesday Blog Hop! Would love for you to stop by and follow back! Have a great day! (:

    Amber @ http://beautifullybellafaith.blogspot.com

  3. I try to steer clear of tearjerker films, I'm way too emotional as it is.
