Thursday, September 8, 2011

Home Improvement Reunion 2011!!!

So if you are a frequent reader of my blog, you know of the obsession I had with the TV show "Home Improvement" as a child, pre-teen, and teen. Of course back then this obsession had to do with nothing else except for JTT!! I of course like the show for its humor and because it reminds me of my childhood and the simpler times. So you can imagine my excitement when I saw on the site this pic of the Home Improvement cast reunited:


So first let me just make a few observations about the above photo:
  • Patricia Richardson aka Jill, does not look ANY different whatsoever!
  • I have no clue what happened to Zachary Ty Bryan aka Brad. He was so cute when the show ended!
  • Debbie Dunn aka Heidi looks worse only because it looks like she has had a little too much plastic surgery
  • Tim Allen looks good, albeit a little older. He obviously has been in showbiz since Home Improvement ended though so I wasn't surprised by his looks since I have seen him many times since then.
  • Richard Karn looks pretty good, albeit older also. Nice to see him wearing the flannel still :)
  • Taran Noah Smith aka Mark looks different from when the show first started (obviously since he was only 6!), but not too much different from when it ended.
  • It is sooo nice to see Jonathan Taylor Thomas aka Randy in the pic!!! If anyone else is a fan of the show you are probably aware that he left during the final season and didn't return for the finale. Rumor was that Tim Allen was pretty upset by this (which is understandable). It says in the article (which you can find on, that the photo shoot was the first time Tim and Patricia had seen him since 1998!! Soo happy to hear that!! He is still the best looking of the boys too!! Doesn't look 30 at all! also has another great article about Home Improvement, which you can find HERE. Since today is JTT's 30th (yes you read that right) birthday they also made an article just for him, that you can find HERE. Let me just say that the EW writers are becoming some of my favorite people since they clearly are just as obsessed with the 90's as I am :) This cast reunion will be featured with many others from various TV shows in a special Reunions issue of Entertainment Weekly which will be available Oct. 7. I just subscribed to this mag tonight (actually restarted my subscription) and received a free retro t-shirt (I chose the Bayside Tigers one). The best part is, it only cost me $20 for 52 issues and the t-shirt :)

Hope you enjoyed reading! Were you a fan of "Home Improvement" back in the 90's? What do you think about the cast reunion photo? Who are you most surprised to see??


  1. i totally love this post! :) seriously i will still watch home improvement when its on in the mornings :) I agree completely that Zachary Ty Bryan looks a little different! I'm glad to see JTT in the pic :)

  2. OMG i LOVED this show!! i will even confess...i had a "i heart JTT" poster at one time...LoL
    gotta love the old days...

  3. Home Improvement has been one of my favourite shows on TV, but I have missed it for quite some time now. You have described the characters beautifully. Makes me want to switch on the TV and check if the show is on now!
