Tuesday, September 6, 2011

YouTube Tuesday!!!!

Look everyone, its the return of "YouTube Tuesday"!!!! I just looked back through my blog and saw that I haven't done one of these since May, so I decided it needed a big introduction :). YouTube Tuesday used to be one of my favorite topics on here, so I am glad to be bringing it back. Sorry for the lack of updates throughout the summer :(. Whenever I would get online I would be addicted to all those darn facebook games, but I am starting to get bored of them so back to blogging!!! So to kick off the return of YouTube Tuesday, I am chosing a video by someone who you have seen featured here in the past and will most likely be seeing here in the future. That person is Tyler Ward. Tyler Ward was actually the feature of my last YouTube Tuesday, so that kinda tells you how much I love him huh? This time he is singing "Somewhere With You" by Kenny Chesney, which I am pretty sure I like better than Kenny's version! Check it out and let me know what you all think!!!

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