Sunday, January 1, 2012

Let's See How I Did on Last Year's Resolutions.... :)

Happy New Year everyone!! Hope you all had a happy and safe New Year's Eve. I personally hung out at home, but that was fine with me :). So tomorrow I will be posting my resolutions for 2012, but before I do that I thought I would see how I did on last years goals. I went back through my blog to refresh my memory on what they were, so here we go:

1. Lose some weight/get more in shape:
Negative....although I don't think I gained any so I guess that's something right :)
2. Try to be more optimistic:
Hmmm yea this may have happened at the beginning of the year, but can't say I made it all 365 days with a postive outlook :(

3. Go to a Detroit Tigers game!!!
YES!!!! I did make it to a game this season. The Sunday of opening weekend to be exact :). They lost, but always a good time! Oh and they made it to the playoffs so maybe I need to go to opening weekend every season!
4. Go on vacation somewhere!
Negative!! Although I spent a good chunk of money moving and buying new furniture so I guess that's something. That by the way, was not one of my goals last year.
5. Make it "up north" again this summer:
Didn't make it up to Higgins Lake this summer, but thats partly because my BFF was prego throughout the summer and had an absolutely ADORABLE baby girl Taylor :).

6. Blog more!!!!
Hmm well I think I started out the year pretty well with the updates. My "Child of the 90's" posts were and still are pretty successful. Really got behind on the blogging towards the second half of the year though. I am determined to get back to it though! Stick with me my lovely readers!!

7. So for my last resolution I decided this year I am going to donate to a different charity every month.
Well I did this for about the first six months of the year. Then I moved and fell really behind on it. I do have an automatic donation taken from my account once a month to the Childrens Miracle Network so at least I was still somewhat chartiable! Gonna try this one again too this year!!
So looks like I wasn't too successful this past year. Hopefully 2012, I stick to the resolutions!!! I guess the fact that some goals were met is better than none though right??
How about you?? DId you stick to your resolutions from 2011?? Leave me a comment and let me know!!!
Stay tuned for this years goals/ resolutions!!!

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