Monday, January 16, 2012

My 5 Monday

Well I almost didn't do a "My 5 Monday" for this week, but while watching the Golden Globes, I was able to think of a topic. This weeks "My 5 Monday" is "Movies I Really Need/Want to Watch". Now before I go any further, don't worry, most of these movies are not "Golden Globe" worthy (apparently). While watching these awards, I decided that the Hollywood Foreign Press and I have completely different opinions on what movies are "good" . With the exception of a very few, I have no desire to see many of the nominated films. Actually, I generally never agree with the Oscar or Golden Globe best picture nominees. For some reason they are obsessed with movies that take place hundreds of years ago. Not exactly my cup of tea! Before I get started with my list, let me just say this weekend I watched this movie

friends with Benefits Pictures, Images and Photos
and absolutely loved it. I actually preferred this one over "No Strings Attached" which is the same plot, but I guess I prefer JT to Ashton. I highly recommend it if you haven't seen it yet. Now on to this weeks list:

1. Bridesmaids
bridesmaids Pictures, Images and Photos
Uber popular movie of the summer and I hear its actually LOL hilarious. Really need to see this one soon. I actually don't own this one yet, so looks like I will need to Redbox it.

2. Water for Elephants
water for elephants movie poster Pictures, Images and Photos
My friends seem to think this is the best movie ever, so I guess I will have to finally watch it. Didn't seem to appealing to me when I first saw the previews, but I have heard nothing but good things about it. Also, I picked it up on Black Friday for a great price, so I might as well actually watch it right?

3. 50/50
50/50 Pictures, Images and Photos
This movie actually is nominated for a Golden Globe, so maybe I won't like it after all. Seems pretty good though and the fact that its in the COMEDY category leads me to believe he doesn't die in the end. I have a feeling I am wrong about that theory though.

4. Remember Me
I bought this movie shortly after it came out on DVD and was so excited to watch it. Somehow I still haven't watched it though. I recently heard my co-workers talking about this one though and they were saying good things so thats a plus. I think this will be the next movie I actually sit down to watch.

5. Country Strong
Country Strong Pictures, Images and Photos
Picked this movie up on Black Friday also. Got a good deal on this one too, so at least if I don't end up liking it, I'm not out too much money.

Have you seen any of the movies mentioned above??? Are there any that aren't at all worth watching?? Let me know!!!


  1. okay if my opinion is worth anything - one i didnt think bridesmaids was as funny as everyone made it out to be. sure it had its LOL moments, but maybe my expections for it were through the roof. Second of all, I fell asleep during country strong - and i didnt like it - however, the rest of the movies on your list i havent seen yet, but want too! :) good choice of a my -5 this week!!! woot woot!

  2. I've only seen one of those movies.. I need to get out more! :)

  3. I have only seen Bridesmaids... Our library does an adult movie night once a month and one of my friends convinced me to watch this with him. I thought it was hilarious and didn't think it turned into a chick flick til nearly the end. Honestly, I just checked it out from the local library this morning. Does your library where you live have movie and dvd rentals? Ours does, and are in a system with other local libraries so what they don't have they can usually get... and they also here have Wii and PS3 and XBox games to rent... all free! As long as you don't have any fines on your card, that is...The town I live in only has a redbox for movie rentals but that don't help when none of us have a debit or credit card.

    50/50 looks good... I love that actor, can't place his name right now... Joseph Gordon Levitt... that's it. He played the kid in 10 Things I Hate About You. Also an awesome movie.

    You're brave on movie purchases... I NEVER buy a movie without seeing it first, no matter how good everyone says it is. I did once. I bought The Sixth Sense. And it was the first time I had ever been carded and it was at Wal Mart for buying an R Rated movie. And I also didn't watch it for almost three years after buying it.
