Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Pinterest...Oh how I love you!!!

I recently discovered the amazing addiction that is Pinterest. I had heard people talking about it and seeing people post about it on Facebook so I thought I'd give it a look. Well that may have been a bad move seeing as how I spend any free Internet time surfing through the site. After FINALLY getting an invite, I was able to start making my boards. Sooo many great recipes, uplifting quotes, adorable pics, helpful household tips, crafts for both kids and adults, cute hairstyles and so much more. I have been lacking in my updates lately so I thought I would share some of my favorite things from Pinterest this week. This will most likely become a common blog topic :). Hope you enjoy. Oh and if you want an invite to Pinterest just let me know and Ill send you one! All I need is your email addy!

Old School Board
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Seriously, how true is this!!! So true!

Adorable board :)
Seriously, how is this not absolutely adorable!
Words of Wisdom board
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This is sooo me!!!

Recipes and Food board
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I made this for a potluck and it was delicious! Super easy to make too. Took about 15 mins total! Click HERE for the recipe. Just scroll down when you get to the page and you will find it.

Places to Go board
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Sorrento Back Beach, Australia

Bucket List Board
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Extreme Zip Line tour
Not exactly sure where in the world this place was taken, but I really want to do a zip line sometime before I die!

There you have it! Some of my faves this week from the wonderful website that is Pinterest! Stay tuned for more great finds next week :).

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