Friday, March 2, 2012

Mom Told Me

Content by Donny Vinson

My mom told me about some great Satellite Dish Deals in our area and I’ve got more channels now than I know what to do with. I really like TLC a lot because it’s got a lot of shows that I feel like pertain to my age range, stuff about weddings and babies and all that. I just got married last year and I’m pregnant with our first child so I can really relate to some of the young moms I see on TV! I think its great there are so many different kinds of moms out there and being home (I haven’t found work yet since we moved here because I’m so visibly pregnant) gets lonely sometimes so I’m really happy to have these shows to watch. I love that my mom is always looking out for me like that and I’m so appreciative that I can call her on the phone anytime and talk when I’m lonely. I think it’s great that we’re starting our own little family but I still miss mine!

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