Thursday, May 24, 2012

American Idol Finale

So last night was the finale of American Idol. I'd have to say I was really glad to see it come. For some reason I just wasn't as into Idol as I had been in the past seasons. Maybe I need to take a season or two off like I did with Dancing with the Stars so I can get my obsession for it back. Therefore, now that it is over, I don't feel the obligation to dedicate 3 hours of my week anymore. Now even though I was glad for the end, I was also very happy with the ending. There were a few people I liked this season, but Phillip Phillips had been one of my faves the entire time. The fact that he wore whatever he wanted to, sang however he wanted to, and basically didn't change his style or image regardless of what people told him to do made me like him even more. Oh and the fact that the poor guy had been pretty sick with kidney problems the entire season, makes him even more impressive. Now I had liked pretty much all of Phillip's performances, but I'd have to say last week when he did "Beggin" and "We've Got Tonight" is what made me want him to win. Then when he sang "Home" on Tuesday night I LOVED it. I loved it so much that I am even thinking of downloading it from iTunes and actually paying $1.29 for it :). Jessica's song I didn't care for at all so I was really pulling for Phillip just so I could hear him sing that song again. And after 120 minutes of a bunch of performances and filler, a majority of which I could have done without, we got the best 7 minutes of the show, which you can watch below.

Now I must say I absolutely LOVE when the contestants sing their coronation song and end up crying before they finish it. Seriously. That sounds bad, but it is oh so true. So you can imagine how happy I was when Phillip, the guy who all season acted like he didn't care about anything pretty much, couldn't even come close to finishing his song because he was crying too much. BEST MOMENT OF THE SHOW!!! Congrats to Phillip and I wish him a speedy, healthy recovery from his upcoming kidney surgery and sincerely hope that he actually has a successful career ahead of him. Guy deserves it after being such a trooper the last five months and performing every single week.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you about not being that into this season of Idol. I am a HUGE Idol fan, but this season was my least favorite. I really don't understand how the judges can say that this was the best season yet. In my opinion, it definitely was not!!
