Tuesday, September 11, 2012

YouTube Tuesday- Remembering 9/11

Well this week I made sure to do a "YouTube Tuesday" since today is 9/11. I found a few really good tributes on YouTube. Some aren't too sad, others are extremely sad, but this is a sad day in history so make sure you have the tissues close!

The first video is a State Farm commercial that aired last year on the 10th anniversary during the 9/11 documentary. Crazy thing is that I bet the kids in the commerical were either very small babies or not even born yet when 9/11/01 happened. Very nice commerical though. Seriously love it!

The second video is one I just came across today. Very moving song which was written by the guy singing as a tribute to 9/11. Very nicely done.

The final video is my FAVORITE patriotic song with video clips from 9/11 and audio of President Bush

NEVER FORGET 9-11-01!!!!!!!!

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