Saturday, January 5, 2013

Money Saving Idea!!!

One of my resolutions this year is to save more money. This past Christmas, I was able to get 95% of my shopping done without using credit cards. Kohls had to suck me in by giving me 30% off if I used my Kohls charge, so that is the only time I used a credit card this holiday season. Pretty good for me!! Also, I will have two bills paid off within the next two months. Yay me!! That all being said I found this great way to save money the entire year on Facebook.

This seems pretty smart to me. Start off easy and then build your way up each week. If I do it the entire year, I will have almost $1400 saved up. I think I may tweak it tho and pick a random amount that week and then cross that amount off the list. For example, next week I may throw in $20 instead of $2 and then just cross week 20 off the list. This way I can do what I can afford and still end up with the same amount at the end of the year. I most likely will be doing the larger amounts after I get my taxes back and not saving the largest amounts for the same time I am spending money on Christmas. The Nov/Dec weeks actually may be the lower amount weeks! Hopefully I can make this work!
What are some of your money saving tips?? I am always up for new suggestions!


  1. I'm doing this too but doubling the amount each week :-) x

  2. That is an awesome idea and I am totally stealing that!!! I think I'm going to do what you are doing as well, and not go in order.
