Monday, July 19, 2010

The Bachelorette....U-G-H!

My addiction for reality TV leads me to watch "The Bachelorette" on Monday nights. Fellow watchers of this ill fated reality love series, know that Chris Harrison is the host and basically the only task he has each week is to talk to the Bachelor or Bachelorette towards the end of the show about each of the remaining contestants and then come out at the end of the rose ceremony and remind the contestants and America that "this is the final rose of the night". As if we can't see that ourselves. As if each and every contestant left without a rose isn't staring at that thing thinking "Thanks Chris, I clearly only see one rose left, but I thought there was one hidden behind his or her back before you shared that hidden piece of knowledge." I am sure he gets paid an amazing amount of money to say these eight words so good for him, I'd say them too. The last few seasons good old Chris has played a bigger part in the show since there seems to be at least one contestant that chooses to leave the show for work or an ex or some other reason. This just leads him to ask more obvious questions though apparently. Tonight Frank decides to leave the show so he can rekindle a relationship with his ex-girlfriend. He of course goes to tell Chris this which then leads Chris to ask the question "How do you think Ali is going to take it" or something along those lines. Seriously Chris? Do you need to ask that question? Do you expect him to say "I think she is going to take it great. Even though I am one of the final 3 guys, I don't think she likes me all that much". Seriously Chris!!!!!

Now onto my next annoyance with tonight's show. For all of you who DIDN'T watch "The Bachelor" last season, Ali was one of the remaining four girls. She CHOSE to leave the show and Jake so she could go back to her job. She told Jake that if she didn't return to work at that moment, she would lose her job. This left Jake devastated (and he ended up with that skank Vienna). Apparently she decided that she didn't like her job all that much after all because she ended up quitting her job and becoming the next bachelorette. I think that is completely unfair by the way. Ali had her chance with Jake and she chose not to take it. She didn't have her heart broken like the other girls. That's why I have had a problem with Ali all this season. Well fast forward however many months its been since she left Jake, and Ali is now in Tahiti with the final three guys. As previously mentioned, Frank decides he is going to leave the show so he can reunite with his ex. So when it finally comes time for his date with Ali, he tells her right when they see each other, in a serious manner, that he needs to tell her something. I'm pretty sure it was the exact same way that she said it to Jake a couple months ago. She seems completely thrown off by his seriousness and says she is worried. Well Ali, I'm pretty sure you should be. Don't you remember when you said those words....I'm pretty sure Jake was worried too wasn't he? After Frank tells her his decision she goes off on him and tells him how he is sooo selfish and "how could you do that to me". Ummm pot, its kettle calling to tell you that "YOU'RE BLACK". I seriously think that Ali completely forgot how she even ended up on this show. U-G-H...UGH!!

I live alone so I seriously will yell at my TV when things happen on it that annoy me. That's why I am so glad that I started this blog so I can vent my frustrations for everyone to read lol. I never had any intention of blogging about "The Bachelorette" tonight. I never expected it to annoy me as much as it did though. Well needless to say, since Frank left, there was no rose ceremony tonight. This means that either hottie Roberto or cutie Chris will most likely be proposing to Ali in two weeks. I like both of these guys a lot so I hope that whichever one ends up with Ali will actually have a lasting relationship with her. I don't have high hopes though considering the track record for this show. I do feel bad for Chris that he didn't get to tell us that "this is the final rose of the night" though.

It's shows like this that make me even more appreciative of the real "reality" of "Deadliest Catch"...which I will most definitely be watching tomorrow night :).

So readers, what do you think? Are any of you fellow "Bachelorette" watchers?? Do you think it was crap that Ali got to be the next bachelorette after choosing to leave the show last season?


  1. Okay, I was totally in LOVE with Ali so I was ecstatic when she was the next Bachelorette :) ahhhhh sorry! But did you watch tonight? UGH I just hate Frank!!! What a jerk!

  2. Yea I did. I think its crap they gave Justin so much crap about not being there for the right reasons and then he goes and does the same thing

  3. Bleh, Frank is a tool. But I think Ali is just drama for the ratings too.

  4. Yea Mei I have liked Roberto from the beginning. If she doesn't end up with him I'll be suprised. He needs to be the next bachelor if she ends up picking Chris tho!

  5. I'm watching it right now (a couple of hours late)! Ali's blubbering like a baby as we speak.

  6. Yea she drove me crazy tonight!

  7. I only watched a few episodes of this one. What can I say...Ali is just too "amazing"!
