Friday, July 16, 2010

Follow Them Friday!

So I'm totally stealing my bestie Becca's idea and making my Friday blog entires "Follow Fridays". What the heck though right, whatever helps people get more followers. Now currently I personally only have eight followers, but I hope that number will increase the longer I have this thing :) I totally appreciate all my followers too :) That being said, I of course am going to have to dedicate my first "Follow Them Friday" to Becca @ Just Cherish Today . I'm pretty sure most of you, if not all of you, already follow Becca, but if you don't make sure to check her out. She blogs about everything from decorating and her beautiful house to reality TV! I enjoyed reading her blog so much I decided to jump on the blog train myself! I was also a guest blogger there for the entire season of this year's Idol. Make sure to check it out if you haven't already!


  1. wow!! thanks for featuring me girl!!! you are getting quite the following- little by little! :)

    have a happy sunday!!! :)

  2. ah i love this idea! i might steal it, but if i do of course u'll be my first follow friday! :) love the blog <3
