Friday, July 23, 2010

Follow Them Friday!

YAY!!! It's time for my second week of "Follow Them Friday". I'm not gonna lie. It took me FOREVER to figure out who was going to be my second featured blog. I finally decided on The Homesteading Apartment though.
The Homesteading Apartment

Living in an apartment myself, I just love this little blog. My favorite feature I think is Frugal Fridays where she offers cute ways to decorate for cheap. Of course if its cheap, you know I love it! Be sure to click the link and check her out. I'm sure you will love it also!! All of my followers will be featured in this section eventually so don't worry. Make sure if you want to be featured, you become a follower too! Enjoy!


  1. I saw you on 20sb and thought I'd stop by. I LOVE the blog you featured today. Did you see what she did with her backsplash using the rulers? Awesome! I also love the video you posted awhile back about Facebook. It made me laugh but also feel slightly embarrassed since I am one of those "Holly just gave you a chicken for your Farm" kinds of people. :) -Your new follower!

  2. Ha! Just read your profile information and laughed at "Addicted to Facebook"... Twitter is my addiction. Even though I rarely tweet.

  3. good friday follow pick TBF!

    good job! to you soon - of course!

  4. Thanks Meredith Ill be sure to check that out! Yea Holly I am a farmville person too lol thats why I like the video, I am so those people lol. Annah I just recently got back into tweeting too. Thanks Becca, great idea I stole from you lol

  5. I am your newest follower! =]
    I look forward to reading more of your blog!
    Have a fantastic weekend!

  6. I would like to express my gratitude to you for stopping by from the Lady Blogger Society feature, I am still extensively shocked that my blog was featured; it made my day but friends like you who leave such compassionate comments hold stout value to me. Thank you.

    Please know I was asked to offer continued updates on the clinical trail and my health, I have opted to do that for so many who wanted to follow this journey. I hope to see your warm heart there as well.

    I love the diversity of you blog and have followed, it’s the least I can do for such compassion you have shown to me.

    Hollywood Chic (Amanda)

  7. Shana, thank you and I am following you now also :). Amanda, thank you for the wonderful comment. Hope to continue reading the updates about your recovery :)

  8. hi! I am your newest follower from surfin saturdays!

    Kari @

  9. Thanks Kari!! I'm going to check yours out now!
