Saturday, July 24, 2010

Christmas shopping in July!

Well I should really be cleaning up the apartment right now, but I found a mini "Deadliest Catch" marathon on the Discovery Channel so that won't be happening yet. Therefore I decided to type up a little blog entry for today :) Yesterday I took the day off work and took a little shopping trip down to Great Lakes Crossing in Auburn Hills. I love this mall. So many great stores and they generally always have great deals. After a great lunch at the new "Toby Keith's I Love This Bar and Grill", it was off to do some shopping. First purchase happened at Victoria's Secret. I was able to get all of this:

1 robe, 5 bottles of hand sanitizer, and 5 travel size lotions for $32.27. Retail value was $105. Total savings of $72.73!

Next stop was Carter's so I could get some Christmas gifts for my beatiful little nephew. I was able to get all of this:

Retail value: $86.00. Spent $32.21. Total savings of $53.79!!
Finally I headed down to Aeropostale. Had to buy a few things for myself on this little shopping trip too. I bought myself all of this:

Retail value: $164. Spent: $69.75. Total savings of $94.18!!
Kinda ended up spending more than I planned to, but I also saved more than I spent so not a bad day of shopping at all!


  1. Dude, that's awesome you got all of that stuff for just a little bit of money! that's my type of shopping! lol - seriously, we need to get together soon!!! :) I feel a short little trip to mt. pleasant for some gambling!!!!

  2. For sure Becca! Even tho I have no luck at casinos lol. Thanks Hootiebee I will be stopping by now!

  3. Ahhhh! A girl after my own heart! Love deadliest catch and love shopping :)

    Thanks so much for linking up for surfin' saturdays! I'm following you back!


  4. I love those kinds of shopping trips!

    Blog surfin'. I'm now a follower.

    Have a great Day!


  5. Good shopping! Following from Surfin Saturday! Have a great weekend!

  6. I LOVE Aeropostle!!! Nice call on getting yourself a lil' pressie too :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm looking forward to your posts!

    Shopper Gal
