Sunday, July 25, 2010

Let's Hear It For New York

Back in May of 2007 I took a trip to Boston and New York City. My sister moved to Boston for a couple years so we went out to visit. First time we met her in Boston and spent 2 1/2 days in Boston. Great city! Lots to see and do there! We were able to take a chartered bus from Boston to New York City for $15! I don't think you can beat that! Funny thing, the bust dropped us off in Chinatown and our hotel was near Tribeca. The four of us WALKED there with out luggage and without the slightest clue where we were going. We took a little bit of a wrong turn, but somehow we got to our hotel. No clue how that happened actually. The second time we went was a year later in May of 2008. This time we just went to NYC and spent four days there. LOVED it! I would go back to New York EVERY YEAR if I could. Such a great time. I still haven't seen everything I wanted to, but I will go back sometime soon for sure! Below are some pics from my trips.

This was my first time in Times Square. Excuse the fact that I look like CRAP, but like I said, we walked to our hotel with our luggage for about 2 hours. Seeing Times Square for the first time is just amazing though :)

This is the Hersey's store in Times Square. A candy lover's heaven!! It smells AMAZING too :)

Rockefeller Center

The top three pics are from a mural on a building by Ground Zero.

Ground Zero in May of 2007. It seriously is so strange being there. Can't even describe the vibe I got being there.

New York Stock Exchange. I really just liked the flags :)

One of New York's finest :)

The second time we went to NYC the hotel we stayed in included a cruise. This is a pic of the skyline from the cruise. Wish it would've been sunny outside that day.

Statue of Liberty. So glad I got to see her up close.

Trump Tower. I wonder how long the elevator ride is to the top of that building...

All you need is...

Me sitting next to some weird thing @ Ripley's Believe it or Not Museum. There was some insane things there. Most interesting museum I've been in :)

St. Patrick's Cathedral. This church is sooo beautiful!

My friend Kendra and me in Central Park.

They had just finished shooting a scene for the movie "When In Rome" when we got to Central Park.

Finally one of my favorite pics. This little thing took me a good two or so hours to find in Central Park. I never quite knew how huge that place was until I was looking for this. Finally found it though. The original pic was in color of course, but I changed it to black and white, uploaded it to and made it into a 16x20 poster that is now framed and hanging above my couch :) It was worth the time spent looking for it!


  1. My friend and I had lunch in Central Park once and listened to the Mayor of Strawberry Fields (i.e., the guy who decorates the Imagine memorial every day) give the exact same speech to three different tourist groups.

    Love your NYC pics! Can't wait to go back myself.

  2. Thanks for joining Surfin’ Saturdays! I’m following you back
    Please link up again next week!

    Love your site!
    I have yet to visit NY

  3. yeah NY is a fun place!! i only wish i could spend more time there! :) It's super fun! We should go back next time just us two!!! :)

  4. Looks like ton of fun! And lots to see. Thanks for the follow, I am now your newest follower!!!!

  5. Holly, I cant wait to go back either! Jessica thank you! You need to visit sometime its amazing. Thanks Jessica! And yes Becca we really should do that!

  6. Thanks for joining us on surfin' saturday - following you back! Loved Times Square the first time I saw it too...would hate walking that much!

  7. hi nicole reading your excellent post..following your blogtoo

    sweet kisses foru

  8. Wow, great pics! I hope to get there someday!

    New follower!!

    Come visit me at my blog, Critique of the Unique.


  9. Hi, Nicole! I'm your newest follower from Making Friends Monday!!! :) I liked your trip pics. I used to walk by the Love Park in Phila. a lot when I was in college at Thomas Jefferson Univ.

    Hope you'll come visit me soon and follow back.
    Lisa xoxo
    Raising Future Leaders
