Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Weekly Song Wednesday!

As I posted in my previous entry and in the about me section, I will be posting random songs that I am loving at the time. Well since I am starting this blog on a Wednesday, I decided to title these entries "Weekly Song Wednesdays". The first song featured is called "Rain" by Jon Heintz. I had never heard this song until last week while I was watching "Deadliest Catch" (which by the way you can guarantee I will be blogging about next week!) The song is pretty sad, but I absolutely love it! The clip they showed it during was pretty fricking sad too, so it's pretty fitting. Check it out and let me know what you all think!!!


  1. what a good song though! so happy you are a blogging diva now!!

  2. Oh I love Deadliest Catch... and boy did I cry when Phil died. And yes, this is an awesome song!!
