Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Welcome to my blog everyone! I honestly do not lead an interesting life, but for some reason decided to start a blog :). Like the title says, everything in this blog will be random. There will be the occasional insightful blog, entries about my current obsession, YouTube videos that I absolutely love, and songs that I just can't stop listening to at that moment. If I ever do anything interesting or have anything interesting happen to me I will also blog about that. Don't look forward to too many of those entries :). It will take me a few days to get used to this whole thing and get my page looking interesting so bear with me. I'm sure in the beginning of this process I will be posting like crazy. I will then stop for days or weeks at a time...mark my words. In the end though, I always finish what I started!


  1. Random sounds good to me. Have fun with it.

  2. Can't wait for more! You're going to have so much fun!!!

  3. Hello! I am your newest follower :o)

    Would you please follow me back at & feel free to enter either of my giveaways (both low entries) Thanks & Happy friday!
