Friday, August 6, 2010

Follow Them Friday!!

TGIF again!!! Oh how I love Fridays! TGIF= time for another great blog for "Follow Them Friday". This week's featured blogger is Jess and her blog It Is A Big Deal, It Is To Me!. Jess wins the award this week because she posted such a great entry this week about her obsession with Friends! I was so glad to find another huge Friends fan besides myself and my friends :). Loved watching the attached clips too. If you are a Friends fan I highly recommend checking her out. If you aren't, she has other great posts to read too! Jess is also one of my most faithful readers and she leaves me comments almost everyday which I greatly appreciate! Thanks a lot Jess!!! So my lovely followers, go check her out and if you like what you see and become a follower yourself, make sure you post a comment letting her know you found her on "Follow Them Friday". Happy Friday!!

Previous "Follow Them Friday" bloggers:


  1. Thanks for posting this - I love finding great new blogs!

  2. seriously so happy that there are many friends lovers!! WOW! have fun this weekend in GR! :) and take pics so we can blog about it! :)

    enjoy your weekend and yes TGIF! :)

  3. Aww thanks Nicole! I feel so special. It's like being in kindergarten and a new person walks up and gives you a cookie. Warm fuzzies. :)

  4. I'm following you on Google Friend Connect from Follow Friday. I'd love a follow back! God Bless!

  5. jess is my friend too!!! lol

    hi jess!!!! :) thanks for being the first person to post my blog badge. lol =)

  6. oh... my bad. LOL!!! i thought when you girls said "friends" lover. it meant group of real friends. LOL!!! i re-visited jess' blog and i remembered i commented on the "friends" show post.

    ohhhhh so that kind of "friends" haha

  7. I am a new follower from Friday Follow! Come visit Mama's Little Chick for a follow and my new blog network Mama's Little Nestwork! Come and join a new network of amazing bloggers! Have a great day!

    Mama Hen

  8. Cool blog! Come follow mine too!
    Have a great week end.

  9. Jen, glad you are enjoying these posts :). Jess, you are more than welcome :). Becca, you know I will be taking many pics! Thanks to all my new followers! Im gonna check all of your blogs out now!

  10. Please check out my blog. I am going to grab your button and add it! Thanks.
