Saturday, August 7, 2010

Sick of Them Saturday!

Another week has come to an end so that means its time for another "Sick of Them Saturday". Wow I really thought I would have a longer list this week, but it hasn't been annoying too much at all. However the ONE person who made the list, I have heard about enough this week to last a lifetime... 

1. Justin Beiber!

justin beiber Pictures, Images and Photos

I have to hear his music everytime I listen to the radio, which is fine. The bad part about that is the DJ's all feel the need to talk about him everytime they play his song. They generally act like 13 year old girls while doing it which makes it more annoying. I also have seen his name everywhere I look this week and I got a text alert from E! News (I have to stay informed of the entertainment world) on Monday telling me he was writing a memoir. Seriously?!? He's fricking 16 years old!! How long of a book can this actually be? Also, apparently he is coming to perform in my state soon so I have had to hear about him even more than normal this week since the radio stations are giving away tickets. Heard today that he also just bought a new $200,000 car. Please don't let him make the list again next week!

Well there you have it. The only person that I am sick of hearing about this week. Still can't believe it. I must not have watched enough TV or something this week...


  1. You would think with $200,000.00 he could afford a haircut.

  2. I can't stand that kid. What's ridiculous it that he makes more money than I probably ever will.

  3. Me too Matt!!!LoL Charity, good point! Glad we agree Emily :)

  4. stupid kid!!! I can't stand him - Allie is obsessed with him! :)

  5. Haha well done Nicole! I was excited to read your post today because this week is apparently We Hate Justin Beiber Week. Yay for joining together against the forces of evil! Evil being in the form of annoying 16-year-old boys, that is.

  6. hey girl!I totally agree with this post!! I am your newest follower from FF :) Have a great weekend!

  7. Haha, love this post!

  8. I don't get it, I just don't get it...

  9. Hi..I’m Barb….I am from TTA. I am your newest follower. I hope you will get a chance to visit my blog @ & get inspired by something for your family/home. I hope you will follow me as well. I also would love for you to be a new Fan of my Facebook page too & click “LIKE” in the upper right hand corner of my blog & you’ve done it..Thanks so much! I am just starting at Facebook. Nice to meet ya new friend!!!
