Monday, August 2, 2010


Sooo I first off have to thank all of my AMAZING followers! I hit lucky #100 last night and that number keeps rising! Thank you all so much for following and for all the lovely comments. I love it! I started this blog about three and a half weeks ago and can't believe I am already at 100 followers. Thank you!!!! I am having so much fun doing this, I am so addicted to it now!

Next, time to discuss "The Bachelorette" season finale!!! If any of you haven't watched yet, stop reading now! Spoilers ahead!!

the bachelorette Pictures, Images and Photos

So I have to say, I think this is the first season of this show or "The Bachelor" where I have actually liked both remaining people equally. I thought Ali and Roberto had great chemistry since the very first meeting and called him as one of her finalists way back then. Chris L. grew on me though and he seems like such a sweetheart!! I want him to be the next Bachelor!! He seems so sweet and genuine and he's not at all bad to look at either! What more could you ask for?!?!? After she broke it off with him and they showed the rainbow, was just amazing. On a side note, how perfect does Bora Bora look! Absolutely perfect! I'm not gonna lie, with the way this show has been going lately, I was really worried that Roberto was going to end up not proposing. So happy he did though. Even though I wasn't too keen on Ali originally, I really hope her and Roberto actually make it down the aisle and have some beautiful babies! So happy with this season finale!!! Well it is now time for me to watch "After The Rose" and you can guarantee I will be watching "Bachelor Pad" next week. I really just want to see cutie Jesse again! If he and Tenley end up getting together I will be so happy! I doubt that will happen though, but we will see!


  1. I am a new follower from Meet Me Monday. I love this show, but with 2 kids and 2 businesses I can't watch it anymore:) I think the last one I saw was with Trista:) Come visit me when you can at

  2. Hey I read this post and just had to comment. I also watched Bachelorette and found the finale so sweet. This is the first of the Bachelor/ette season that I have not watched. (Big shocked for me!)

    I enjoyed it and although I didn't know the guys before, I found both were pretty genuine and sweet. Bachelor Pad looks like one big crazy house of drama! You just gotta love it though!

    Will catch up next week with the 'Pad'.

  3. Thanks for stopping by Belly Charms! I visited you too! Marie, I have a feeling Bachelor Pad is going to be my guilty pleasure!

  4. I agree - I liked both guys, but I had a soft spot in my heart for Chris! I think the chemistry was between with Roberto, but Chris' story was more touching.

    You're right - he's very easy to look at! When he's tan, his eyes just POP - so gorgeous!

  5. Congratulations on 100 Followers! I'm getting very close to that goal! It's exciting, isn't it?

    Following you from Follow Me Back Tuesday!

  6. I ma hooked on the Bachelor shows. Thanks for participating in Fancy Meeting You. Rita from One 2 Try
