Tuesday, August 3, 2010

YouTube Tuesday

Another Tuesday= another YouTube selection! This week's pick is a video made to Dane Cook's "BK Lounge" skit. Now some of you may not like Dane Cook, but I think he is hilarious. Having worked at a fast food restaurant when I was younger, I can also relate to his segment about drive thru customers. I will warn you in advance, there is swearing in the bit so don't watch this video with the kiddies around.


  1. Thank you for join 'Follow Me Monday"
    Have a nice day.

  2. Too funny! I love Dane Cook. The best was the kitten shot. LOL

  3. I'm following you, I would love if you could follow me!


  4. I love Dane Cook,I plan on him being my second husband if ever me and Mr E should split. (okay highly unlikey but a gal can dream right) My favorite skit is his "I saw someone hit by a car"

    your newest follower via FMBT.


  5. Hello! I am a new follower. Please subscribe to my blog too..I have 4 current giveaways going on too! Can't wait to read more of your posts!


  6. I love him too Jess! Felicia, thanks for joining, I am checking yours out now!

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I followed you and I look forward to reading more of your blog. :) Have a great evening!

  8. Thanks Amanda I am following you back :)

  9. Just read the post before this one! Congrats on your 100+ followers. I know, isn't blogging so addicting. I don't know what I like more: writing the blogs or acquiring the faitful servants...errrr...I mean followers!
    Am a follower now too! Come visit me at http://www.absolutelynarcissism.blogspot.com

  10. It really is addicting Sandra. Im stopping by now!

  11. Hi
    thanks for visiting me and leaving a comment.
    your blog is so cute
    Now following you


  12. Hello! Thanks for the follow, I know I am late, but I am totally following you back now! oh if you get a chance check out my ABC BOOKS giveaway that ends TODAY (8/4) currently there are only 81 entries! AND *2 winners* SOOO check it out! AMMO ABC BOOKS GIVEAWAY!
    haha loove the about me section! I am so addicted to reality shows!

  13. Following from Welcome Wednesday! Please visit me at http://www.mibargainmom.blogspot.com/.

  14. Haha, I love Dane - I know that skit well!

  15. Hi Nicole, already following you thanks to Welcome Wednesday but i just thought i should stop by and say hello!! Plus today we have a huge giveaway on my blog from Julie The Fish Designs *hand stamped jewelry*, and i thought that maybe you want to join in;)
    Also don't forget, if you need any help tweaking your blog or easy HTML tips, you know where to come! Happy Wednesday!

  16. I am a new follower from Welcome Wednesday.

    Hope you can stop over and follow me back. Terry
    My Journey With Candida

  17. Following back! Love Dane Cook!

