Friday, September 24, 2010

Follow Them Friday!!

TGIF once again!!! This week's featured blogger is Amanda over at Mays Homemade. Some things Amanda blogs about include her adorable kids, crafts, and fellow bloggers. My favorite feature of her blog is all of her adorable crafts that she makes. My favs are her Subway art and her recent newspaper art pictures. She also has an etsy shop where she sells her great creations. I am going to be making a purchase from her very soon I believe! While you are visiting her blog, make sure to click the link to her etsy shop also. If you become a follower of hers, make sure to let her know that you found her thanks to "Follow Them Friday" @ Its All Random :). Happy Friday to all!!



  1. Hi I am your newest follower from Friday Blog Hop. Come on by and don't forget to follow back :)


  2. Yay!!! im so happy you featured her!! She's great!!

  3. Thanks so much nicole ! Your too Sweet!!
