Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thrifty Thursdays!!!! (and my beautiful dish I won!)

I think I have thought of a new post topic!!! Since I am all for saving as much money as I possibly can, but still getting quality stuff, I thought I would start "Thrifty Thursdays". These posts will feature the best deals I have found for the week. They may include items that were on sale or clearance and also items I have picked up for cheap thanks to coupons!! I went to Kroger this past weekend and was very impressed with myself. Here are some of the best deals I was able to get:
Drano: $4.19-$1 coupon (doubled)= $2.19
Nivea Body Wash: $6.99- $3.49 (kroger card)- $1 coupon (doubled)= $1.50
Herbal Essences Shampoo: $2.37- $1 coupon (doubled)= $0.37
Duracell 4 pk Batteries: $3.69 -$1 coupon (doubled)= $1.69
Mr.Clean Magic Eraser 2pk: $2.59- $1 coupon (doubled)= $0.59
Febreeze Set and Release: $2.89- $1 coupon (doubled)= $0.89
Crest Whitening Toothpaste: $2.39- $1 coupon (doubled)= $0.39
Crest Extra Whitening w/ sample of 3D vivid white: $2.50 (w/Kroger card)-$1 coupon (doubled)= $0.50
Always pads: $3.45- $1 coupon (doubled)= $1.45
Energizer 10 pk AA batteries: $5.99- $1 (Kroger card)- $1 (e-coupon)- $1 coupon (doubled)= $1.99
Febreeze Noticeables refills: $4.89- $1 coupon (doubled)= $2.89
Colgate Wisp 4pk: $2.39- $1 coupon (doubled)= $0.39

Retail Price: $41.94
Price I paid: $14.84
SAVINGS: $27.10!!!!!

I was also able to get a box of 10 packets of Quacker Oatmeal free, Coffeemate Liquid Creamer for 1.10 and a box of Idahoan single serve mashed potatoes (10 pk) for $0.69. Not too shabby!!!

Since Kroger will double coupons up to $1, I always take all my coupons that are above 50 cents here to redeem them. I highly recommend everyone doing this. You get brand name items for basically free!!

Also this week I made a trip to my apartment office to pick up some packages that I had received. First off, I made a donation to the USO to help our troops and they were kind enough to send me a nice big USA Flag :). I also received an adorable dish that I had won from a recent blog giveaway thanks to Teresa @ FunFritzFamily. I won the lovely little dish pictured below from Good Memories Cafe.
I LOVE IT!!! It is so cute with great detail. I love the little cloud above the tree that says "dream" on it. Thank you sooo much for my beautiful gift :).

I'd also like to thank all my fellow bloggers for the recent awards I have been receiveing. I have received a few these last couple days and I am ecstatic! I am so glad you are enjoying my blog!!!


  1. I had no idea Kroger double coupons up to $1.00!! Thanks for the info!!!

  2. Hi! I found your blog on Thursday Blog Hop...Like your blog, I'm a new follower, please check out my blog and follow back!!!

    Good job on ur shopping trip BTW!!


  3. I am so jealous of everyone who has a Kroger. I see all these great deals and I know I can't get them.

    Congrats on winning that dish its so cute.

  4. very cool! I'm your four hundred and forty forth follower!! Hehehe. Have a great weekend!

  5. Hi, I am your newest follower. You have such a cute blog. Love all the "random-ness". I would love for you to link up to my "Friend Finding Fridays". Today is the start of my FF linky and would be more than trilled you come join. xo, Supermom

  6. hi, nice blog! i am a new follower from the hop. Hope you have a nice weekend :)

  7. Hello Nicole! I am your newest follower for Friday blog hops - I read a few of your posts and saw that you love the Detroit Tiger's which leads me to believe you live in the Detroit area, ME TOO! (St. Clair Shores & I too love the Tiger's & DETROIT!) -ERICA

  8. That is some great deals, we don't have a kroger where I live, but we do have a store that supplies it. Stopping by from Where's the love Friday. :)

    Heather From and Mommy Only Has Two Hands! and Lynhea Designs

  9. Ok, so GCF won't let me follow you for some reason. It says the requested URL is too large???
