Monday, September 20, 2010

My 5 Monday!!

Ahhh fall is in the air here in Michigan. I actually really like fall. I didn't so much back when I was younger and it meant school was starting again, but now that I am old and all I love when fall arrives. Here in the great mitten state, everybody loves when spring arrives. We then all enjoy summer for a good month or so and then its way too humid for anyone's liking. This summer was especially hot and humid with temps being in the 90's a good portion of the season. That being said I am so happy that fall is here. Therefore, this weeks topic for My 5 Monday is:

My 5 Favorite Things About Fall!

1. Cooler temps= HOODIES!!!
Hollister Pictures, Images and Photos
Call me crazy, but I just love my hoodies. I have about 20 of them I'm sure so now that temps are in the 50's and 60's I can actually wear them. I love being able to go outside and feel that cool crisp air and be completely comfortable in a hoodie and jeans. I won't be so much a fan when I have to wear hoodies and winter jackets and am still freezing though. I'm going to enjoy my hoodies and jeans while I can!!

Michigan football Pictures, Images and Photos
Well I love me some Detroit Tigers, but since it is clear they aren't getting into the post season this year I love me some football! Being from Michigan, I can't be such a huge fan since my hometeam is never all that great, but I still love watching football games. Back in my high school days, my favorite thing about Friday nights was hitting up the high school football game. Now that I am in my twenties, I don't go to actual games anymore, but still love watching the Michigan Wolverines play on TV. Starting off pretty great this season too with a 3-0 record. Unfortunatley my Lions keep getting screwed somehow. I still say they won that first game and I'm sticking to it!!

3. Colorful Leaves
Autumn Pictures, Images and Photos
I just love when the leaves turn to their pretty orange, yellow and red. I kinda hate when they all fall off and we are forced to look at bare trees for 5 or 6 months, but when they are still on and different colors it is absolutely gorgeous!!

4. Halloween
Happy Halloween Pictures, Images and Photos
Well I am too old to go trick or treating, too scared to go to haunted houses, and don't have any kids of my own to get all dressed up yet, but I still quite enjoy Halloween. I love the decorating and the fact that I can eat as much candy as I want and tell myself its okay because its Halloween and thats what you are supposed to do. I also love handing out candy to all the adorable trick or treaters.

5. Thanksgiving/ Black Friday
Background Pictures, Images and Photos
black friday Pictures, Images and Photos
Okay so let me be honest. I do love getting together with the family and eating a great big delicious dinner on Thanksgiving. I'm not gonna lie though, after eating all that great food my favorite thing to do is to head into the living room and start looking through the paper at all the Black Friday ads. Actually, I look at the ads first thing that morning when I wake up. I have been going shopping on Black Friday with my mom and sister since I was about 8 years old and I LOVE it. I look forward to it every year. I actually start counting down the months left till Black Friday in about July or so. We usually wake up around 4 and head out sometime around 5 am. This year though I may be brave and do the all night and all day shopping. You can count on a blog post about all my great deals from that day too!!

There ya have it. My 5 favorite things about this lovely season of Fall. What are some of your favorite things.


  1. Nicole, I love the fall too. Usually we take a triip to North Carolina, Tennesee or North Georgia or all the above. Not gonna make it this year though, doesn't look like it anyway. Living in Florida the only color we get is in the silk or dried arrangements we create. Halloween is my Hubz favorite. We throw a block party each year and he decorates over the top! And Thanksgiving? who doesn't love all the pies and dressing.

    Have a good week...

    Carol-the gardener

  2. Hi Nicole! I'm a follower already, and I'm visiting from Making Friends Monday:)
    Oh and also, today we have an amazing giveaway: 3 x Trolley Cards greeting cards complete with delivery to the recipient, so come on by to sign in and make your loved ones happy by sending them a cute card just that easy! Happy Monday!

  3. There is a website, that starts up sometime in October that starts promoting the Black Friday deals as they are released. I'm on their email list :)

  4. I, too, love Fall for the football, Halloween and ESPECIALLY cooler weather. Louisiana summers are too hot and too long!

  5. Stopping by on the MMM blog hop!

    Following you!
    Keenly Kristin

  6. So glad it's fall! We made caramel apples today!

    Just stopping by to say hi from Making Friends Monday- already a follower.

  7. Hi! I'm your newest follower from the Meet Me Monday hop. I love that you're up in Michigan! I'm from there too! I'm not able to visit my family up there enough, but I sure do enjoy my time when I'm there. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better! I hope you'll stop by and follow me back!

  8. hi-I found you on a blog- I am your newest follower. Please come and check my blog too.

  9. I gave you an award today because you deserve it. I love your I'm sick of them Saturday. Hop over to pick it up and pay it forward.

    Carol-the gardener

  10. Hi! I'm a new follower and found you on Meet Me Monday. I hope you will stop by soon.

  11. I love the smell of Fall. :)

    I'm a new follower from Making Friends Monday.

  12. I love this post!!! Fall is my favorite time too !!! :) :) sooo exciting!!! :) :) :)

  13. New follower! Addicted to Reality TV, Trashy Gossip Magazines, and Boxed wine! ;)

  14. I'm a new follower! And I can't wait for Black Friday :)
