Tuesday, September 21, 2010

YouTube Tuesday!!

First off my lovely readers, if you have any video suggestions that you would like to submit for a future YouTube Tuesday, feel free to let me know! I am very much open to suggestions. (Don't worry Jess, I still have the one you mentioned. It will be featured very soon :) ). That being said, this week's pick was one that I discovered a while ago. It is of a baby watching his dad play golf on the Wii. This baby has the funniest laugh I have ever heard from such a little body. I laugh everytime I watch it. Enjoy!!


  1. How cute!! LOVE IT!
    OMG- ok so I have one my husband and I stumbled across last night. It's got the main guy from Castle, Serenity etc. in it- it's called "Nailing your wife" and it's a short video that makes fun of porn! it's totally clean despite the name- we both laughed SOOO HARD!

  2. Too funny! I had tears LOL.

    I can't even remember what the video was now....I guess I'll have to wait for you to post it! :P

  3. I gave you an award because I love your I am sick of them Saturdays so much. Stop over and collect it from my site. I'm not sure how to link it here. It is a Lovely Blog Award. You are to then pay it forward.

    Carol-the gardener

  4. new follower from the blog hop :)
    love your blog!

  5. awww precious. I'm a new follower from Blog Hop Skip and Jump Wednesday. looking forward to seeing your face on my widget. Cheers.
