Friday, October 1, 2010

Follow Them Friday!!

It's Friday and we all know what that means!! Time for another fellow blogger to get the spotlight! So I must say, I am kinda obsessed with Etsy shops lately, and I find that a lot of bloggers seem to have them. One such blog is Good Memories Cafe. I actually recently won a giveaway from a fellow blogger and the prize was the Beach Glass Salad Plate from Good Memories Cafe's Etsy shop and it is so cute! I love it!!! She also features many cute totems for your garden and her recent posting is about a nice sign she recently made. So if you are like me and love checking out Etsy shops, make sure to stop by her blog and Etsy shop and let her know you are her newest follower from "Follow Them Friday" @ It's All Random!!!

On a side note, if any of you know of or have your own Etsy shop that you would like me to feature, just let me know and I will be happy to check it out!!! I am also up for reviews and giveaways of products from your shops!!!


  1. Hi this is Nicole from I am just dropping by to say hi for Follow Friday blog hop!! Have a super weekend!! I would love to have you stop by Colie’s Kitchen if you get a chance.

  2. Thank you so much for this post! I'm happy that you like your re purposed salad plate! The hours spent searching for the beach glass at my favorite Lake Erie beaches is pure joy. (no tumble glass, this is authentic) I've had my first on-line sales this week at the GMC Shop, so this has been a wonderful week for me. Good luck with your blog and know that I'm a faithful follower!

  3. Hi! I'm Lindsay from Boman, party of 5. I'm your newest follower and I found you on Follow Me Chickadee! I adore your blog!

  4. happy happy friday!!! - on Saturday!! sorry it's sooo late!!! :)
