Sunday, October 3, 2010

Netflix for Wii- Review

Hello readers :). Sorry that this week's "Sick of them Saturday" was missing, but I didn't actually have time to type one up and believe it or not, no one really drove me crazy last week! Rest assured though, there will be one next week :). If you all remember, a few weeks ago I did a random review of the amazing vacuum I had bought. Turns out that is the most viewed post of my blog. When I searched for that vacuum using Google, my blog came up as one of the top results!! I couldn't believe it!  So, I decided I would review another product that I love and that is Netflix for Wii.

A few months ago I decided that I would give Netflix a try. I figured paying $8.99 a month for as many movies that I wanted to see was a pretty good deal. Actually I wanted to get caught up on all the early seasons of "Deadliest Catch" since I recently became addicted to it, but hadn't seen the first few seasons. By joining NetFlix, I was able to get caught up on seasons 1-4 in about 2 months. So much cheaper than buying all the DVDs. The only catch with Netflix is that you only get one DVD out at a time, but as soon as you return it you get the next one on your list. Not bad!

When I joined Wii and filled out the shipping info, there was also a question asking if I owned a Wii or PS3. I own a Wii so I checked that box. When I got my first DVD, they also sent me a disc to play in the Wii. This disc, when played in the Wii, activates your Netflix account and allows you to watch the movies that you have on your list, or browse through selections and watch them instantly. I LOVE THIS!!! This is so handy for catching up on past seasons of TV shows especially. You can watch however many you want at a time and don't have to worry about waiting for them in the mail. Seriously LOVE IT!!!

Now the only problem with Netflix for Wii is you have to have your Wii connected to the internet. I didn't have this so I of course had to figure out how to do it. I looked it up online and found that all I needed was a Wii LAN Adapter and a Cat5 ethernet cable. Easy enough right? So I went to GameStop to see if they had the adapters. Luckily they did and it only cost me $20. Now all I needed was a Cat5 cable. I asked if they had that also and they did, but it was also $20. Now I had looked on Amazon and saw that I could get one from there for about $3 so I said no thank you to GameStop and left with the the adapter. When I got home I looked online at Amazon and found a 25 foot Cat5 cable for less than $2!! Ordered that right up and waited for it to come. Once it came I hooked it up to the LAN adapter and then connected the other end to the back of my cable modem. The only trouble I had was once I accessed the internet through the Wii and went to Netflix I was supposed to enter a code at the Netflix website while I was connected through the computer. I only have one spot on the back of my modem to hook up the internet so there was no way I could connect via computer and Wii. Luckily my mom was here with her laptop and she has wireless so I could access using hers and enter the code. After getting that done I was connected to Netflix and watching "Deadliest Catch" right through my Wii!!!

I highly recommend Netflix for Wii for anyone who needs to get caught up on their favorite TV shows, but doesn't really want to buy all the previous seasons and also for people who enjoy watching movies a lot. It is much cheaper than purchasing all the DVDs for TV shows that you really only want to see once or twice and also quicker than heading to the video store. If you would like to purchase the LAN adapter that I have used and therefore know it works, click HERE . For the 25 foot cable click HERE. You can also get longer or shorter cables if need be. Hope this was helpful!!!

(I was not compensated by NetFlix, Wii, or Amazon for this review)


  1. I know I love netflix but i dont have the wii adapters for it!! :)

  2. I LOVE Netflix. We have the more expensive membership which is $24/month, but we get four DVDs at a time. We also use the instant watch on our Wii, and I love that!

    Great post!

  3. we LOVE Netflix our Wii and ESPECIALLY watching Netflix on the Wii!! LOVE IT!! Also, we have a wireless router at our house (so we can use our laptops) and we just did the same w/ our Wii so we don't have to plug it in!! LOVE IT!!
    Also, Netflix does have other plans (a little more $$ each month and you can get up to 4 DVDs out at a time).

  4. Netflix is the best! I don't have time for it now that fall TV is back, but it's soo awesome during the summer.

  5. I have Netflix for the Xbox and I absolutely love it. I'm actually watching A Mighty Heart on it right now. I highly recommend.
