Thursday, January 20, 2011

Idol Live with Nicole! Auditions pt. 2

Tonight's show features auditions from New Orleans. Let me state now that I love the fact that it is only an hour tonight. Can't say I always have the attention span to watch the same show for two hours :). I think tonight I will mention more of the contestants since it is only an hour also. Maybe not though...

Kicks off with a guy named Blake singing at the piano who they then inform us didn't make it to Hollywood. Kind of pointless, but whatever I guess. Next they show a clip of Ryan from Season 4 when they last had auditions in New Orleans. Gotta say, I love looking at old clips of Ryan and how much he has changed (mainly his hair). It seriously amuses me. Doesn't take much to amuse me though :)

First up is Jordan Dorsey, 21. He is a piano and vocal teacher to little kids. Jordan's grandma tells Ryan he looks taller on TV. I wanna meet Ryan in person since people always seem to say this to him. Jordan sings "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" and it is pretty nice and smooth sounding. For some reason I am also amused watching Steven sing along with him...told ya it doesn't take much to amuse me lol. Judges loved him and he is through to Hollywood.

After commercial we see clips of the Louisiana swamps. They look kinda scary too me. The gators kinda freak me out :). We are then shown a bunch of bad singers who the judges finally tell no to! After all that is Sarah, who has large lips like Steven Tyler so of course Ryan asks if they are related. She sings "To Make You Feel My Love" by Bob Dylan (I honestly thought it was by Garth Brooks originally, but I am wrong apparently). She is pretty good, but I still love Kris Allen singing this song more than anyone else :). She gets through to Hollywood of course. Jovony, who is in love with Jennifer and also idolizes Marc Anthony, is next. He sings a Spanish song, which if I try to type I will just butcher it. Nice tone, but I have no clue what he just sang. He joins the Hollywood train, but not before opening up his shirt to reveal his nice abs. Randy and Steven feel the need to join him and its nowhere near as nice to look at. If Ryan wants to show his abs, I would be more than willing to take a look, but for some reason he doesn't. WTF Ryan?!?

Back from commercial once again. We learn some fun facts about Louisiana, including that Randy was born in Baton Rouge. Jaquelyn, 24, is up next and not only does she bring some old pics of Randy from high school, she also brings her uncle who was Randy's football coach. Smart girl, that may have earned her some points. She sings "I'll Stand by You" and she may be my favorite of the night so far. The judges tell her she has a powerful voice and I agree. Once again, she is off to Hollywood. Next we have the first backstory of the night, brought to us by Brett, 16. Brett, who strangely reminds me of Blake Lewis mixed with Carrot Top (seriously!), was bullied in school and never invited to any parties as a young child. He wants to tell kids that are bullied to just be themselves no matter what. Good message I guess. After talking about hair products with Steven Tyler he chooses to sing "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen. The judges loved him and he joins most of the others tonight as he moves on to the next round.

It now appears that it is time for the bad auditions. Gabriel. 24, tells us that not only does he have a great voice, but he also has an awesome personality and sense of humor. He apparently won a Steven Tyler look a like contest. He is singing "Bad Romance" by Lady Gaga. He isn't as bad as I thought he would be, but he scares me a bit since it seems like his eyes roll back into his head when he sings. It gets worse as it goes on though. The judges all tell him no, but he takes it pretty well. Next we get a montage of scary, bad, and creepy contestants.

Alex, 18, is now up. He apparently went to "Idol Camp" when he was 15. Didn't know there was such a thing. He sings "Proud Mary" and is HORRIBLE! I don't think Idol Camp was money well spent for this guy. Jacee, 15, is next. He looks and sounds like he's about 12 though when he talks. He picks "Sitting on the Dock of the Bay" and he does pretty well with it. His voice kind of reminds me of that Justin Bieber kid that seems to be so popular at the moment. Since I am pretty sure the producers and judges are hoping for a young teeny bopper winner this year, Jacee heads off to Hollywood.

Sob story and pimp spot slot of the night goes to Paris, 23. She got pregnant at 18. When she went to find out what she was having, she was told the baby had hydrocephalus and might not survive. This really is a sad story!! The doctors wanted her to terminate the pregnancy, but she didn't and now she has a beautiful little girl who, although she has some hearing loss, is otherwise healthy. She sings "Temporary Home" by Carrie Underwood and girl does GREAT with it. She is by far my favorite of the night. Hopefully she keeps it up and makes it very far in this competition!

In all, 37 people from New Orleans made it to Hollywood. I actually like that they are showing more of the good singers and less of the bad during the auditions this season. Not a bad first week and I actually like the new judges more than I thought I would. See you all next week!!


  1. I am so excited about this season. I wasnt before last night. But I actually enjoyed it. Stoppng by to say hi from Hop Along Friday. Hope you have a fab Friday! Please visit me when you can. I have moved and have a new look!~Heather

  2. I don't watch Idol at all - but you're enthusiasm is impressive! ;) New follower from Friday Follow Fun (what's it called agin?).... I AM following now but my profile is showing blank on the GFC so I'm not sure what's going on (just a blue head and no name for me right now I guess...)

  3. i haven't gotten to see it at all yet, but i have heard so many people say nothing but good things about the new judges. i have it on the dvr and look forward to sitting down to watch it this weekend.

    i am a new follower and i would love for you to stop by my place and follow me back. i love to get to know new people. hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Would you believe I've never watched "Idol" - primarily for the reason you touched on - I don't have the attention span to stick with the same show the entire season!!

    New follower from the hop - stop by when you have a chance!!

  5. I saw one of them this week, laughed so hard! Then got a bit sick of that Party in the USA song :)

    I'm here from Simply Stacie's Fun Follow Friday blog hop and am now following you via GFC. nice to meet you, i hope you have time to come my way.

    Shasher's Life I'm a WAHM of 4, a proud Canadian who's married to the Pastor. :)

  6. Hi, I'm your new follower from FB Follow. Nice blog.
    Visit me at

  7. I have not seen much of Idol -- because I have to wrest the remote out of my husband's fist before I can watch anything :-)

    I'm a new follower and hope you'll come visit me. I'm enjoying my first visit to your blog!

  8. Hopping by and am your new follower. My boys and I love American Idol. I was skeptical about the changes in the judges, but I thinking Steven Tyler and J Lo are great!

    Have a great weekend! I hope you can stop by my blog and say hello!


  9. Hi there--I'm your newest follower from the Wednesday Blog hop!! Your nephew is adorable!!!

    Michele aka MikiHope

  10. I'm your newest follower from Catch a Wave Wednesday :)
    I'm not big into Idol, anymore...the first few seasons I was...but not lately.
    The show on tonight is for Milwaukee, WI, and I am in Green Bay, so I MIGHT watch :)


    Mary Jo - Saving Green Mom
