Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Idol Live with Nicole!! Auditions pt.1

Well everyone it is once again time for American Idol!! Last season I guest blogged on my bestie Becca's lovely blog Just Cherish Today every week with a live recap of every performance show and results show so this season I am moving it to my blog since I now have one :). I am going to be honest, I have never blogged about an audition show so this should be interesting. There are way too many people for me to write about during these shows so I will be just mentioning the ones that I like because they are either really good or really bad. Tonight's show will also be the first time we see the new judge panel in action. It will be very strange without Simon there :(. Hopefully they will be better than Kara though, can't say I was a fan of hers at all. So folks here we go!!

Tonight's show kicks off with all the attention that the "potential judges"  got this past summer. Names like Justin Timberlake and P.Diddy were thrown around, but let's be honest people, both those guys are way too popular and successful right now to judge American Idol. Especially when it seems to be going downhill. I wouldn't have minded staring at JT every week though! Of course the new judges are Steven Tyler from Aerosmith and Jennifer "J-Lo" Lopez. I would have actually preferred Bret Michaels (who was also rumored) over Steven, but I'll give him a chance. I mean I have put up with Randy "Yo Dawg" Jackson for nine seasons now, so it can't be any worse than his gibberish right? Can someone tell me why Steven Tyler looks so much like a woman though? Was that Aersosmith song "Dude Looks Like A Lady" about him?? Don't get me wrong, I do really like Aerosmith,but seriously he does look very feminine! Along with the new judges, we also get a new montage during the theme song. I actually like it better so YAY!!

Ryan lets us know that this is some of the best talent we have ever seen, which I am pretty sure he tells us every season...last season he wasn't too accurate. New Jersey is the first stop this season. Let me say this now, I think Ryan Seacrest is pretty hot so I don't mind seeing him often even though he can be annoying at times. Mark my words, the dude is the next Dick Clark!

First up is Rachel, who also auditioned in Season 6 (she wasn't very good then). She sings the ever popular "Hallelujah" (which I fell in love with when I heard it at the end of Season 1 of The OC by the way), and she isn't very good. The judges seem to think she will get better (I don't) and she is off to Hollywood. I don't think she will get too far this season though. Steven really likes the next contestant, Caleb. He is just a'ight for me. Better than the previous girl though. Seems like the judges are sending everyone through. Wonder what Simon would think?? Kenzie, the 15 year old, is next and she is my favorite so far. She sings Carrie Underwood's "Young and Beautiful". She is also going to Hollywood. Next we hear from Achille who is scary bad! Luckily they don't put her through!

Sorry, I know this has been long so far. I promise from now on I will only feature the people I like!

Decent or great singers (in my opinion) of the night:
  • Tiffany Rios- Decent voice, but annoying as heck! (She wore a bra or bikini top with stars on the cups!)
  • Robbie Rosen- First contestant with a backstory featured! Sixteen years old. Was wheelchair bound when he was a child, he's not anymore. Sings "Yesterday" by The Beatles and he is pretty good, but I'm sick of old songs. Kid needs to sing something current! Look forward to seeing more from him.
  • Victoria Huggins- Okay singing voice, annoying speaking voice. She is pretty amusing and entertaining though. Don't think she will make it too far, but she is a cute little thing.
  • Melinda Ademi- Backstory #2. Another 16 year old. Her parents are from Kosovo and her dad was a war refugee. Her parents English is pretty clear, yet they still feel the need to subtitle it. Sings some Alicia Keys. Pretty good voice. Seems like a nice girl too. The kiddies are owning the show thus far!
  • Devyn Rush- Singing waitress from Times Square. Sings "God Bless The Child" . Not as good as some other contestants from previous seasons that have sang this song, but still good. Needs a little bit more confidence though.
  • Brielle Von Hugel- Backstory #3. One more 16 year old. Her dad had throat cancer.  He is cancer free now though. She sings "Endless Love" pretty good for a 16 year old. The kids continue to own the night. It appears we are looking for the next Justin Bieber this season.
  • Travis- Another backstory from another 16 year old. His family stayed at a shelter for two or three years. Pretty cute kid and he seems like a sweetheart! His twin brother told him not to waste his talent. No longer in the shelter, but they are still living check to check like much of America. He chooses to sing "Eleanor Rigby" by The Beatles. Does pretty good with that and Steven tells him to sing something else. He then sings "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz. I like this one better than The Beatles song by him. Sweet kid!
Okay there you have it. The end of the first eppy and thus the end of my first recap of Season 10! Sorry if it was too long!!

What do you think of the new judges? Who were some of your favs?? Let me know!!

1 comment:

  1. I love this!! I am so glad you are back doing crack me up! I'll have to link to you that you are posting! :)
