Saturday, April 16, 2011


So I seem to be in the giving mood lately. I've mentioned in previous posts my new years resolution to give to a different charity each month and I am successful thus far. The AMAZING show "Secret Millionaire" has just added to my desire to want to give and help others out. In fact, the show inspired myself and a couple co-workers to start a project at work where we collect various items for one of the local charities each month. Now, to the part I need help with. My bestie and I have decided that we want to start some sort of charity. We just have no idea how to go about doing it. That's where you all come in! We know we want to do something to help animals. Becca (my bestie) knows a lady that runs a program to help various injured wild animals so we are going to help with that, but we also want to do something for the dogs and cats. Unfortunatley we can't shelter stray cats and dogs ourselves, but if we could do something to help the dogs and cats in need in another way, that's what the goal is. Now I have 531 followers, so if anyone can offer some suggestions I would love it!! Thanks so much!!

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