Thursday, April 14, 2011

Idol Live with Nicole!!! Top 8- Results!!

Predictions for the bottom three: Paul, Casey, and either Haley or Jacob. Of course I could be completely wrong like last week, but we will see. I'm predicting either Casey or Paul to be the one voted off. Hopefully it won't be a shocker like last week!!

Since last night was songs from movies, the intro is a little film reel set up. No mystery typer this week :). Okay so during the little recap intro, we get to see the judges over praising Casey. I call it that because personally I hated it. Is it just me?? Did anyone else think the judges went a little too overboard with their comments to him. I think they are just trying to build him up so we don't think they regret using their save on him. Oh and his reaction was a little over the top too. C'mon Casey, Jacob is the overly dramatic on and there is not a need whatsoever for two drama kings! So I am totally loving reading people's signs. I just saw one that said "Steven is the most beautiful man in the world". Seriously?!?!?! Maybe it was supposed to say Stefano cause at least that would make a little sense. I can name at least three men just on this episode that are more beautiful than him! Ryan reports there were over 53 million votes last night. Guess people decided they actually need to vote!!

No big group performance this week, but little group ones :). These were pretty good last time so I'm glad they're back. First up singing "American Honey" by Lady Antebellum is Lauren and Scotty. Scotty's eyebrow movements really amuse me, but not in a good way. Of course these two sound great together once again. Might as well look now America, because this is who you will be seeing in the finale I'm pretty sure. They could probably form a duo and be pretty successful.

Ford music video time! This week we get a behind the scenes look. This should be entertaining. They get to dress up as zombies this week. Paul is bummed that he didn't get to be a zombie with Haley, James, Scotty, and Stefano. He has too white of teeth to be a zombie :). Well they have to be the best dressed zombies I have seen in their nice 3 piece suits. Jacob screams like a girl!! Music video is "Animal" this week. OMG another song I actually know! Fun music video!! Results time! Haley and Casey duet next with "Moaning". I've never once heard this song, but they are sounding decent on it so I'll call it good. Not exactly my type of song though. I prefer Scotty and Lauren's performance. Judges seem to have loved it though because they give them a standing ovation. Wow we even get judges comments. Results time!! Lauren, Scotty, Haley, and Casey are of course first to hear their fate. Scotty is SAFE!! Lauren is SAFE!!! Haley is BOTTOM 3!! Casey is SAFE!!! I am actually pretty surprised by Casey being safe.

Random filler with Rob Reiner meeting the contestants. Ohhh I guess because he is a movie director and it was movie week. Okay then?? The contestants seem pretty intrigued by him though. Rob tells Casey he could be Seth Rogen's younger bass playing brother. Well it was filler, but it was fun :). Kelly Clarkson and Jason Aldean sing "Don't You Wanna Stay" next. Lauren and Scotty are front and center standing for their performance. No surprise there. Nice performance, fun chat with Ryan at the end.

Paul, Stefano, Jacob, and James perform "The Sound of Silence" and "Mrs. Robinson" after commercial. Okay I like all of these guys (for the most part) individually, but they all are so different that they don't sound too great together. Gets better after the beginning though. Very weird combo. Results time!! James is SAFE!! Stefano is BOTTOM 3!! Paul is BOTTOM 3!! Jacob is SAFE!! Well I was 66% right on my bottom 3 prediction. I would replace Stefano with Casey, but that's just me.

Chaka Khan and Anita Baker cameo. Rihanna performs "California Kingbed". I was seriously hoping she didn't perform "S&M", but after Iggy Pop last week I wouldn't have been surprised. Glad she chose this one though. I haven't heard this song yet, but I'm liking it!

Elimination time!! Haley is SAFE!! Stefano is SAFE!! Paul is ELIMINATED!! Okay for some reason they bleeped basically everything Stefano and Paul said to each other as they were hugging. Seriously producers, I find it hard to believe that the whole thing was explicit! Let me just say I totally love the little bromance that Stefano and James have going on. So cute!! So Paul and his beautiful white teethed self are leaving tonight, but after last night's performance I'm not surprised at all. I do like Paul though because he sure was entertaining to watch. If they had had a Rod Stewart week her would've owned it! I will miss you and your uniqueness Paul, even though your singing wasn't the greatest! I've said it before and I will most likely say it again; this group seems like such a fun, extremely nice group. Jennifer requests Paul to sing "Maggie May". Of course he is doing great with it. Aww big group hug at the end. I seriously LOVE this group!!!

Well I will miss Paul with his cute self with the gorgeous teeth and his crazy dancing. Seems like such a sweetheart too! Not at all surprised to see him go though, last nights performance wasn't exactly great!

1 comment:

  1. I was right on with the results tonight!
    Yeah, I liked the little chat Ryan had with Kelly at the end of her and Jason's song. Her yelling at him for not quoting her whole tweets on the show, lol
