Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Weekly Song Wednesday!!

First off I have to give a big thanks to Carol for the "Lovely Blog Award". Thank you sooo much!! I am glad you like my blog, especially my "Sick of Them Saturday" posts :). Now onto this week's song. I debated on picking this week's song a couple weeks ago, but thought against it because it is so mainstream and played so often. I generally try to feature songs that aren't being played on the radio every 35 minutes for this feature. However, two or three weeks later I still love this song so I finally decided to give in and pick it. Actually I had my "YouTube Tuesday" pick a few weeks ago of some other people singing this song pretty well, but now its time for the original artists. This weeks song is "Love The Way You Lie" by Eminem and Rihanna. Don't hate me lol!


  1. Great song! I just wish they wouldn't play it every 5 minutes on the radio!

    I have been following you for a while, but never knew you were a Michigan blogger! Thanks for stopping by

  2. That's my ringer on my phone, but it's starting to be overplayed on the radio...

  3. Great song..... You have a lovely blog.

    I just wanted you to know that I have nominated you for a One Lovely Blog award!

  4. This is one of those songs that gets stuck in your head for hours. How much you want to bet they sing it on Glee this season?

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